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Comment Re:Spiked tyres and featered tread and higher sili (Score 1) 139

Better tyres yes, spiked tyres depends.
They make sense in areas/countries with low population density and snow covered roads.
On mostly ice/snow free streets they wear down any pavement quite fast, resulting in street repair costs magnitudes higher than the initial savings during winter.
That and they are really shitty compared to normal tyres when you brake.

Comment Re:Feeling justified in eschewing e-books (Score 1) 120

Would you like to participate in an experiment? Good!
On the count of three, throw your e-reader at the wall. I'll throw a printed book at the wall. Does yours still work? Mine does! [...]

I'm deeply impressed how you managed to get your post as a written letter delivered to slashdot via snail-mail. and have them type it in for you ;)

Comment Re:Maybe won't make any difference (Score 1) 142

Nothing with mass can ever reach c.

Easy solution. Just prepare a spaceship with a catwalk, and use some of the already anorexic wannabe fashion models as astronauts, promising them they'll get themselves as cover on Vanity (or whatever).
By the time they are nearing C, their mass will be zero.
Problem solved.

Comment Re:Near Zero Information in the article (Score 2) 79

Since none of the articles explains technical details, I can only speculate about the dolphins (which is more interesting anyway).
If their second "click" is used as a reference signal, i.e., the signal itself, not its echo, it could be used not only to invert the first signal and filter out the noise, but also give information about the distance:
Depending on when the reflected echo comes in - delayed (and overlaid) - to the reference (second) signal it would also account for the distance of the target.

Comment Re:Near Zero Information in the article (Score 2) 79

Well, the summary describes it:
The radar "sends out two pulses in quick succession to cancel out background noise", like dolphins which "send out two pulses in quick succession to cancel out background noise".

I also think that sending out two pulses in quick succession may cancel out background noise.

*eyes rolling at 300 rpm*

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The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it. -- Allan Sherman
