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Comment Re:Movie Theaters are dying for the same reason (Score 4, Interesting) 308

This... > "So, added value options may grow from being a novelty to the norm................" We have a local theater that has for 10 years - offerred around 3-6 month out of date releases (and lots of indie films) for 3 bucks a ticket, You can order your meal (specialty pizzas, burritos, hot sandwiches) which is delivered to your table (every other row are tables instead of seats, you place your black-light sensitive cone at your spot), has it's own brewery and beer/wine bar in the back of the downstairs (in the theater) (balcony seating for those under 21 or unaccompanied by adults). 10 years later and it still has lines out the doors Friday - Sunday before showings. It's an awesome date/family event. They even have special events for bands and indie film events. This - is how a movie theater can stay relevant.

Comment Re:Wasting Sick days (Score 1) 670

It was an attempt at humor with a twist of reality - meaning - most people will wait to use their sick day for something more severe - like the flu/typhoid, etc.. Geeze - didn't think most would take that seriously.

Comment Pluheese.... (Score 4, Informative) 203

Someone should read the article a little better instead of posting some inflaming title... FTFA, "participants who consumed 500 mg/day had a trend toward increased risk of EG/EGS that was not statistically significant". Notice the "not statistically significant" part? Also, " We did not find associations with consumption of other caffeinated products". Way to panic!

Comment Re:Too fucking bad.. (Score -1, Troll) 502

Net gain to society? WTF. Are we advocating low impact crimes to help society? I can see some PSA's now - "Forget Jobcorps, come hack email accounts with us and help your community!" This line of thinking also states for future potential crimelords that if you hack into email, your time is a walk in the park. If there is no deterrent then what is the point of the criminal justice system?

Comment Re:Not pro-corporate (Score 0) 528

AT&T and Comcast are private companies (FTFY). You are quite naive if you think that you have to have their services or are required to pay them your hard-earned money. If people do not buy their services, they would not exist. Can you live without your cable/internet/cell/phone? Life may be more difficult, but yes - you can.

Chrome Throws Flash Into the Sandbox 109

wiredmikey writes "Google announced today that it will be extending Chrome's sandboxing technology to include the Flash Player plug-in. 'Sandboxing' technology is a method of isolating an application from the rest of the operating system and tightly controlling its resources. According to Google, the new sandboxing feature adds an additional layer of protection and will help protect users against malicious pages that attempt to hijack systems or steal information from the system."

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