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Comment Re:A win for medieval mentality (Score 1) 1330

I haven't flipped the issue on its head. I'm calling it like it is. You're unable to see that people who employ people are people too with the same constitutional rights. Let's flip it for a second and you'll see what I mean (not really, this is the Internet, but it's fun to try.)

You go to work for XYZ-tech. Every year they have a big Christmas party celebrating the birth of Christ. They require you to pay for part of the party expenses. We could both agree that as a devout atheist, you feel this is wrong in every way. So why is it different when you flip around employee and employer? Why is it suddenly okay to tell the employer that they must violate their religious beliefs by being forced to pay for something that they feel is murder? Just as you wouldn't sue your employer if they had an optional off-site private Christmas party; nobody is punishing employees for using contraception that is not one of the sixteen forms that Hobby Lobby covers.

If you think that your rights change because you provide an income to people, then that's your right. You're objectively incorrect, but theirs nothing in the constitution against being wrong.

Comment Re:A win for medieval mentality (Score 1) 1330

Separation between Church and State means that you get to hold whatever "religious" belief you want in private

Nope. It doesn't. If the state required citizens to abondon their religious beliefs in public then that would be a clear violation of the separation of church and state. Have you read the constitution? It says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

you don't get to impose those religious views (or values) on others.

I agree with you. Nobody has the right to impose on the owners of Hobby Lobby their religious views.

Not even people who just happen to be in a position of financial dependence to you.

Like my kids? Yes. I have the right to raise them as I see fit.

What people call "freedom" here is the freedom to impose your arbitrary views (here "religion") onto others (employees) by cavilling over what they consider "appropriate" medical care.
What this ruling does is empower employers to meddle in what medical care their employers can spend their medical benefits, and that's wrong.

It sure doesn't. Nobody is getting fired for buying supplemental insurance, buying their own contraception, etc... Just as you wouldn't want to be forced to buy your employees Bibles, the owners of Hobby Lobby do not want to buy what they consider abortion pills. It's that simple.

The separation between church and state held the provision that e.g. employers couldn't use their power to meddle in the (privileged) docter-patient relationship, and that protection has just been lifted.

No it didn't. Nobody is meddling.

The question of whether Hobby-Lobby employees can make do in other ways is irrelevant.

Translation from Internet Atheist to English: Irrelevant - "You had a really great point and I can't argue with it."

I think they shouldn't have to have to circumnavigate this particular obstacle in the first place.

Then work somewhere else. I don't agree with everything my employer does, but I choose to work there anyway.

I get the distinct impression that people fail to see how dangerous it is to lift this protection because it's touted as "Christian". For better or worse, Hindu, Muslim, Satanist, and Scientologist "religions" just got the same rights.

Good for them. I support religious freedoms.

Your analogy about the "Hindu refusing to buy me [...]" is beside the point I think, because that's a case of an employer refusing you discretionary spending. Medical treatment is not discretionary, and although the employer ultimately foots the bill it's not something he would ordinarily have any say in (apart from this "religious" thing now). It's medical benefits, not some gift!

I don't think plan B is a medical treatment. It's elective. A baby is not a disease. I would argue that liposuction comes closer to a treatment.

What I'm calling for is a state in which nobody can construe their their religious "rights" in ways that allow them to impose their religious views on others.

Me too. Which is why I find it odd that you do want to impose your religious beliefs on business owners.

Comment Re:They'd be stumped more often (Score 1) 115

Or, aleernatively... letting a few crimes go unsolved is part and parcel of an authoritarian police state.

Right now, we have on our 'unsolved docket' Lois Lerner, war crimes by US troops in Iraq, high treason by various top operatives violating their constitutional oaths and undermining the rule of law, thus aiding the enemies of the US, embezzlement by bankers who control the Fed, breach of fiduciary duty by BoA under the blackmail of Paulson that he would break the law... and now most recently high crimes by that French bank in criminal money laundering, in one is the biggest ever (9 billion) fine, but unfortunately, we can't find the criminal.

And that's just the US. I haven't hit one percent of the unsolved crimes yet.

Leaving a 'rule of law' nation sucks.

Comment Re:ItsATrap (Score 1) 115

It's doubly a trap when those same companies, which have multiple backup systems on the emails, suddenly cannot recover anything following a series of six separate 'hard drive crashes' on RAID-7 systems, so that the IRS' evidence can no longer prove criminal intent by leaders of the government.

Leaving a 'rule of law' nation sucks.

Comment Re:"Informants" (read: bribery) (Score 1) 115

Which, if this chain of thought is correct, leads to the conclusion that in those 9 cases, either police were NOT corrupt (and so could be foiled) or were corrupt, and wanted to be foiled.

I'm not sure that the chain of thought is correct. In some areas --Illinois for example, I would expect it to be.

Comment Re:A win for medieval mentality (Score 1) 1330

So you're saying that the Supreme Court legislates? I'm afraid I'll have to disagree. All the court said was that if you decide to earn money by opening a business, you don't lose your right to your religious beliefs. Nobody is forcing Hobby Lobby employees to not get the contraception that they want, they're just not fitting the bill for it. Perhaps employees can pay for controversial contraceptions with their $14/hour Hobby Lobby corporate minimum wage. Perhaps the employees can choose one of the 16 other forms of contraceptions that Hobby Lobby is willing to fit the bill for. I find it really weird that people on the left are upset because they can't force their values onto someone else.

I mean if I worked for a Hindu, I wouldn't be upset that he won't buy me McDonalds. And I could be wrong, but food is more important than sex. Perhaps I should be outraged if I can't buy pork sausages from "Hebrew National" because it's run by Jews. What you're calling for is for the State to demand that nobody has any religious rights outside of the church. And that is a horrifying thought.

Comment Re: Repeat after me... (Score 1) 534

Here in Norfolk, we had a young man that decided to just start shooting. He first killed a 17-year old kid in Norfolk, who was waiting at a traffic light.

When the police were investigating, he shot at them, and killed one, severely wounded to other.

There then was another cop who responded, and ordered the shooter to stand down; he started to shoot, and was killed.

Now, I'm going to point out that the cop who died was a really good guy, who would always tell his coworkers, 'it doesn't matter what happens here, so much as it matters what happens in heaven. That's why you need to get right with Jesus.'

Now, with an attitude like that, I suspect he would have been a little slower on the draw. It's too bad he died.

I also think he had a good effect on those around him. It's too bad he died.

If someone's going to die, I don't prefer that the cop be the first one to die. I prefer that nobody dies.


A Physicist Says He Can Tornado-Proof the Midwest With 1,000-Foot Walls 501

meghan elizabeth writes: Temple physicist Rongjia Tao has a utopian proposal to build three massive, 1,000-foot-high, 165-foot-thick walls around the American Midwest, in order to keep the tornadoes out. Building three unfathomably massive anti-tornado walls would count as the infrastructure project of the decade, if not the century. It would be also be exceedingly expensive. "Building such walls is feasible," Tao says. "They are much easier than constructing a skyscraper. For example, in Philadelphia, the newly completed Comcast building has about 300-meter height. The wall with similar height as the Comcast building should be much easier to be constructed." Update: 06/28 04:14 GMT by T : Note: originally, this story said that Tao was at Drexel rather than Temple -- now corrected

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