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Comment Re:Superstar we are not. (Score -1, Flamebait) 215

Never trust anyone who calls a programmer "Superstar", "Rockstar", "Codeninja", "Gurus" or any other retarded ass term.

We're Programmers, we're Engineers, we're Coders. Anything else is insulting.

(Hackers is debatable, personally I hate being called "Hacker" because hacks are typically shitty code cobbled together to make something work. I take more pride in my work....)

Awe. Now go write those DTOs for me like a good code money while I work on the strategy classes and related factory methods and managers and put them all under the *.infrastructure namespace.

PS. Be sure to extract an interface for your database/file/stream management classes like a good little worker. It will help make the code easier to mock for unit tests.

Comment Re:Lucky for Democrats (Score 1) 165

I thought both parties were out to destroy the middle class. The difference, of course, is that Republicans want to screw to poor to help the rich, while pretending they will help the poor due to trickle down economics. Conversely, the Democrats want to appear to help the poor while sabotaging their situation is less obvious ways, such as illegal immigrants and H-1B visas to drop wages, passing large taxes (with equally large loopholes) on the rich, and aid programs that will help you while you are poor but will cease if you start improving your situation.

Sorry Mr. Democrat hack. You are following the divide and conquer method. You want to convince people who might vote Republican to stay home so your party can get our your base and keep control of the senate. Your fake neutrality does not sound convincing.

Comment Zuckerberg will never pay more taxes... (Score 1) 165

The rich have lawyers and accountants to find loopholes to keep them from paying more no matter how many taxes are raised by liberal democrats. They know that ultimately it is the middle class that suffers under more taxes and the poor get poorer as opportunities dry up but rich people like Zuckerberg do not care.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score -1, Troll) 209

The OSX animations are awful, people have been using windowing systems for decades and completely grok what happened to the window. At most you need to a tiny fraction of a second to avoid the user overlooking the change. Please do not waste precious seconds or cause people motion sickness for your whizbang effects.

Grok? Really? It might be a word now in the dictionary but so are words like GINORMOUS and d'oh. Try using words which are in standard usage by normal people.

Comment Re:Maybe a Mini (Score -1, Troll) 355

The iMac Retina... no. Besides not wanting to spend that much now, I'd hold off on a first generation rig like that.

Rig? Are you in the wrong forum? We are not talking about trucks here. Oh, wait, you want to try to make your gaming/facekbooking/drawing computer sound tough and industrial? Is that like how slashdotter like to call their tech jobs their "trade"? Sorry but the software industry is not a "trade". We are not blue collar but rather white collar and we do not earn a "wage" but rather a salary.

Comment Hypocrisy (Score 1) 367

Peta actually hate and kill animals they "rescue".
Peoples Democratic Republic countries are neither run for the people or democratic.
Democrat parties are not very democratic.
Libertarians seem to want a lot of laws enshrining "gay" rights for some reason.
Progressives are not very progressive as they seem to hate free speech, protection of individuals rights of those they disagree with and seem disinterested in the needs of the poor and homeless.
Small "l" liberals are not willing to standup for values such as democracy, freedom of speech, freedom from being killed for being the wrong gender or religion when the perpetrators are muslim and start accusing those who do speak out as "racist" when Islam is a religion and not a race.

Comment Re:30 year wars aren't wars (Score 1) 425

Now, now, no need to get snippy. I didn't say the muslims were right, only that the crusades should be considered a war. The war you speak of was back many centuries prior when the Rashidun Caliphate wrested control of the area from the Byzantine Empire. Ancient history and very bloody but I"m having a problem with the "100's of millions" thing. Very strong exageration that is.

Why don't you go back in time and tell that to the christians and Jews in Africa, Asia Minor and the Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhi in countries east of Iran who were killed by the Muslim Crusaders.

Comment Re:30 year wars aren't wars (Score 2) 425

Well that's like saying the Crusades weren't wars.

Right and the slaughter of 100's of millions by the Muslims for centuries preceding the Christian crusades were not crusades? Maybe they weren't, after all the crusades were about taking territory back whereas what the muslims did were about converting others to islam or killing them if they refused. The Caliphate was the ISIL of that day.

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