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Comment Re:Alien life (Score 1) 52

Well, there are beliefs substantiated by mathematics and overwhelming statistics, and then there are beliefs substantiated by coercion and threats of everlasting hell fire and torture unless you behave properly.

But you are still basing your belief on a combination of unsubstantiated (made up) constants and statistics deprived from those made up numbers. We only have one data point of planets with life, namely the earth. Everything in the Drake equation is fictitiously speculation.

Comment Re:Too bad about WWII (Score 1) 645

The world went to war against Germany to fight Nazism

No. The world tolerated the Nazis. We went to their Olympics. We marveled their zeppelins. Their eugenics ideas were fairly debated in universities. We made business deals and traded heavily with them.

The world went to war against their imperialism, not their policies. Don't pretend we actually gave a shit about their internal affairs. If they hadn't started a war, we'd have treated them like we treated China today.

Fine, imperialism. ISIS has taken significant portions of two countries already and has vowed to conquer more. Should that not be enough to motivate the nations to crush them?

Comment Re:Too bad about WWII (Score 1) 645

It's too bad the Allies released those photos of the concentration camps. They were literally working for the Nazis and their SS arm.

Yeah, so many do not realize that ISIS and groups like them are acting like Nazi Germany. The world went to war against Germany to fight Nazism knowing that not every German was a Nazi but something had to be done to stop them. All of the silent muslims are either secret supporters or complacent in their silence to the atrocities committed much like how the germans that refused to stand up to the nazis in germany are partially to blame for the holocaust.

Comment The terrorists want you to be paralysed. (Score 2) 645

The terrorists want as many people as possible to live in a non-specific paralysing fear where you are afraid to provoke the enemy rather than having a desire to take the fight to them. Self-censorship only serves their cause. The west needs to see them for the monsters that they are and admit which religion/ideology drives them. They are simply following the example of their prophet because he did similar things. If you call them non-Islamic then by extension you are calling Muhammad non-Islamic as well which is ridiculous. What the terrorists do not want is the public in the western nations getting angry and calling for a coalition to defeat ISIS like the allies defeated Nazism and fascism in WWII.

Comment Re:Alien life (Score 1) 52

I REALLY hope this yield something of importance to bring space back to the forefront of people minds. Keep people dreaming, exploring and wanting more.

I REALLY hope our global religious community will be able to handle what we find without calling for the Apocalypse and using it as an excuse to destroy us all in an effort to ensure we are "saved".

You are a special kind of dumb aren't you? You are simultaneously talking about your unsubstantiated "religious" belief in alien life while attacking other religions because they do not believe what you believe? Bravo, you are as bright as ISIS.

Comment Re:What happened? (Score 1) 422

Wait.... which monitors got better? Cheap monitors are undeniably better now, but I kept an old CRT around for ages because it was much better with some things, most importantly for me response time.

Response time has got much worse with the advent of anything but CRT.

Now, I'll agree that monitors got cheaper, and higher resolution, but not necessarily better. 120hz is rare now, too.

Sorry but what the hell does response time have to do with photography and viewing the resulting photographs on the monitor? Go back to playing your FPS.

Comment Re:hu? (Score 0) 33

Having crossed paths with this fella about 10 years ago, you're not too far off. Minus the racism.

I did not realize that Chinese was a race. I thought it was a nationality. Is this like how people who question Islam are called racists? Islam is also not a race but a religion and potentially an ideology. Should people oppose communism be called racists too?

Comment Re:"equal treatment" (Score 1) 779

Conservatives are for equal treatment. For instance, a law against sleeping on the sidewalk should be enforced equally on both millionaires and homeless vagrants.

Until that "equal treatment" extends to marriage. Then they suddenly oppose equality.

Equality? Marriage? Marriage is a social and societal construct which is granted certain collective rights and privileges in exchange for some loss of rights and freedoms. The governments roll is supposed to only recognize marriage. It did not define traditional marriage in the first place. If the government wanted to create a civil legal construct like say "civil union" to include non-traditional marriage then they could do that but to suggest that individual jurisdictions have the right to redefine marriage to include same sex couples is preposterous. You cannot change what you did not own in the first place. Marriage is a construct of all of human society and is not at the whim of any single government authority. You are not any less equal if you remain unmarried, in fact your individual freedom of movement is greater.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 98

So basically you are saying that you are saying that voted liberal or NDP and that you love the CRTC and that harper's people are mean for challenging them and you possibly work for one of the companies that makes up ROBELLUS? You seem also be a fanboy of "science" which is a field of study which wants you to stop anthropomorphising it and stop assigning political or idealogical bias to it. Science is a useful tool for discovery but you need to learn to think for yourself and not be afraid to not believe everything someone tells you just because they have a specific title. Don't be so damn naive.

Comment Re:track record (Score 0, Troll) 293

which due to dwindling sales and prospects, may be the last 747s to be produced.

the 747 has been around forever, with many upgrades over that time. it has a proven track record. Now, generally im against no bid contracts, but this one makes sense.

Why does it make sense? Because America? Even with this token gesture, it will likely be the last Boeing plane used for the president's fleet.

Comment Re:What? (Score 3, Interesting) 98

Still a fucking miracle with Harper and the current CRTC. The major players had a lot of victories in recent years.

Sorry but how is it a miracle? Have you not seen the commercials from the Harper government about changing the wireless industry in favour of the consumers? Did previous governments even attempt to reform the CRTC or how the wireless industry treats consumers? The answer is no so why the anti-harper rhetoric? Previous governments either did nothing to improve the industry for the benefit of consumers or made it worse by appointing industry cronies to the CRTC board. If you want to blame why it was bad, look at previous liberal governments.

Comment Re:Montreal in October 1970 (Score 1) 313

Canada put the Province of Québec under the martial laws in 1970 after the kidnapping of MP Pierre Laporte who was Labor minister and member of the mob. The Martial law result of thousands of jailed people because they speak french.

Yes and that was implemented by a Liberal Prime Minister named Pierre Elliot Trudeau. The left like to talk about how they believe in rights and freedoms but once they get in power, their tune changes.

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