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Lord of the Rings

Submission + - Medium Rare And Back Again: A cookbook featuring food from the world of Tolkien (kickstarter.com)

AssFace writes: ""Have you ever dreamed of what Bilbo's pork pies actually taste like? Does Sam's coney stew sound wonderful? Do you share Gollum's affection for sushi-grade fish? If Balrogs had wings, what would they taste like?"

A Kickstarter where someone wants to create a cookbook (and more — see the link) based on Tolkien's Hobbit/LoTR series.

Also a write-up/interview over on Wired."


Submission + - Kickstarter to Fund Middle-Earth Cookbook (wired.com)

cgpoirier writes: "We all know hobbits love their breakfast. And their second breakfast. And elevenses. And lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper. Shire grub seems largely inspired by traditional British items like scones and jam, sausages, mushrooms, whipped cream and berries, seed cakes, bread, cheese, fruits, and of course ale — food that Tolkien himself loved to eat.

Then there’s more esoteric fare from other corners of Tolkien’s world, like lembas, an elvish “waybread” much like cowboy hardtack. A few nibbles of lembas and an elf, dwarf or Númenórean could be sustained for days on the tough road to his or her next quest.

But how, exactly, might you make all that Middle-earth food here on Regular-earth?

A fellow in Arlington, Massachusetts, is eager to find out. He has launched a Kickstarter campaign to answer such questions as: What ingredients went into Bilbo’s pork pies? What did Sam’s coney stew contain? (Hint: rabbits.) And, and I quote from the Kickstarter website, “If Balrogs had wings, what would they taste like?”"

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