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Comment Re:Not 100%... but hipsters (Score 1) 278

We're talking new vinyl sales, so let's put aside the obvious benefits of owning a turntable if you already have a significant vinyl collection.

I personally believe uncompressed digital formats, starting with Redbook CD, have a greater POTENTIAL in terms of functionality as well as fidelity than vinyl. Unfortunately, this potential has been unfulfilled as the vast majority of digital releases fail to live up to this potential by a fair margin due to poor mastering. The loudness wars has dumbed down the format to such an extent that one of its primary advantages over vinyl - dynamic range - has all but been nullified. The mastering engineers have decided that you and your playback devices are too stupid to set the volume to your liking so they've made the decision for you - typically 11 out of 10.

Ironically, most vinyl releases sound better than their digital counterparts simply because their volume hasn't been jacked to ridiculous levels at the mastering stage.

Comment Re:Get over it (Score 1) 641

Indeed, one day archeologists will dig up a pile of line printer output from some long lost CS lab as the only remains of The Second Age of Light. The secrets contained will fuel the legendary Search For The Rosetta.h file where all those confounded macros are defined.

Comment Plant Trees (Score 1) 389

A Shit Ton of them, and see them through to establishment.
We've decimated one of the largest moderators of climate on this planet in the past couple of centuries and until we start reversing this trend in a serious way, I wouldn't expect much progress on the climate front.

Submission + - The Electric Tractor - Is this the Zero Emission Vehicle Killer App? 1

AttillaTheNun writes: Steve Heckeroth has a long and storied history as an innovator in the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry, focusing initially on passenger vehicles (including a converted porsche spider). Numerous obstacles that have stalled development in this area, primarily in the form of regulatory lobbyists and patent control by the entrenched players led him to pursue an industry in which the primary technical limitation in the passenger vehicle domain — battery weight — becomes an advantage, in the form of additional traction. He soon became the largest electric tractor manufacturer in the world, and continues to innovate in this field. An example of his work:

While the media and investor focus is on Elon Musk's attempt to disrupt the passenger vehicle industry, could farm machinery be the thin edge of the wedge towards an EV breakthrough?

Comment Re:Let me know when it gets to production (if ever (Score 1) 81

You're not wrong - something may very well happen to keep the technology from being mass produced. EV production and advancement has been stalled many times in an effort to maintain the status quo. Here's a story from Steve Hekeroth, an individual who knows all too well.


Unsurprisingly, it has taken a billionaire entrepreneur, Elon Musk, to disrupt the market. Let's hope the trend continues.

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