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Comment Re:Can we get a real Linux filesystem, please? (Score 2) 210

[...]I just got out of a meeting at my job [...]and because Linux has no stable filesystem with enterprise features [...]

Sure, AC has some real complex stuff to handle on an enterprise level. That's why all the big boys like Google, Facebook and Twitter are using Windows to host their data...

You're either a silly moron, a self deluding enterprisy [a-z]+architect or a very capable troll.

Comment Re:Apt-get install clue (Score 1) 303

Oracle works fine from the command line, installation included. I know, I've done it.

"discourage" does not equal "makes impossible", I didn't say GUI is required...

PostgreSQL is free, no money burning required.

It is an equation, not a pricelist: (Budget = Oracle licence fees + paying people) or (Budget = Zero fees for PG + paying people), more to spend on competent people.

Hadoop is not a database server.

Did I say that?

Comment Re:Apt-get install clue (Score 2) 303

Not to mention...if you try usinig/installing some tools, like Oracle, which forces you to use a java GUI to install and other have to have X running.

Command line only, is often not a valid paradigm, depending on what you want to do with Linux these days, especially if using commercial software on it.

On the plus side, though, having a headless server discourages you from installing Larry's beast and keeping it well fed.

If you've got that much money to burn you might as well install PostgreSQL or (shudder) Hadoop and hire some real competent software/system/* engineers

Comment Re:I'm still trying to wrap my brain around... (Score 1) 346

Indeed, such a fine officer. Taking the best bucket, brush and the best soap money can buy and applying some elbow grease to scrub that computator until it shines as brand spanking new. And then taking a new photograph with a camera from a top tier camera builder - or re-imaging as the youngsters would call it these days... And this fine man would leave spyware on that thing? I simply can't believe it.

No, no, he's as innocent as the children he was monitoring^H^H^H^H^H^H protecting.

Comment Re: OS/9 for 6809 (Score 1) 394

ls, a basic "dir" shell command on my mac, is 80k.

dir, a reasonably comparable 6809 command, is about 600 bytes. That's over 130x smaller. [...]

ls is probably mostly used just to list files in the current directory. But you can do a hell of a lot more with it than that.

ls -hl will give you file permissions, number of files in directories, owner info, size (conveniently formatted), modification time, the name (conveniently coloured to quickly identify directories etc). You can hide stuff filtered by pattern ( --hide), dereference symbolic links, sort by filesize (-S) etc.

I'm not sure the actual size of command line *nix programs is out of proportion (more than 50 options some of which are really powerful and complicated vs. 130 size increase and 8-bit vs. 64-bit)

Now, when talking about your average humongous GUI'ed typewriter (Word) I completely agree. As illustrated by the 16GB required by the msPad for software.

Comment Re:Car analogy (Score 1) 447

Sure, but then the US government will bail out Chevy Motors and start all over again and that Korean car maker Ford is really fckd gangnam style.

Note: I would have preferred you switched Ford and Chevy's role - outside of the US they are often Korean cars previuosly known as Daewoo...

Comment Toddlerization of the UI (Score 3, Insightful) 378

[...] Yes, it is a bold departure, but I find it makes me more productive all in all.[...] The quick gesture of ramming my mouse into the corner to arrange work-spaces works great.

Until someone decides that particular gesture opens your email in the newest, bold departure from convention.

The problem many people have with Gnome 3, KDE 4, Unity, Wayland, Windows Vista, Windows 8 etc. is that people keep changing stuff dramatically. Nobody complains about a new color scheme, we complain in great numbers about removing helpful features we like to use and replacing those with dumbed down stuff (let's call it Toddlerization of the UI) that emulates the latest cool overpriced toy.

I use computers for other stuff than hitting the screen roughly in some spot in a 4x6 coordinate system to start an "app" that is in 97.23% of the cases just another un(sup)portable spyware "website".

Those people taking these decisions are often more concerned about what they'd like to do or what they find Kooool. Rather than considering what is easy and agreeable to use for the actual user. It's their prerogative to do so, but don't complain when users start complaining and then start leaving in droves...

I'm aware that in FOSS you can always express your discontent with a fork (instead of a knive). I'll probably turn away from Ubuntu

Comment Your private data is safe with us. No, really. (Score 1) 155

A friend sent me an email a couple of years ago saying "Did you know that you have your phone number on FaceBook?". I said "Yes, I also have it in the phonebook".

Except that you can opt-out form the phonebook with an unlisted number. Facebook harvests your phone number and your contacts phone numbers, names email addresses. Potentially they can access IMEI, record sound and take pictures at any time (not just when you click a button), manage your accounts (not sure if they can retrieve anything from other accounts like email etc...)

Comment Please open your eyes and look (Score 3, Insightful) 1113

Well, mankind has steered evolution of a lot of living things. Think of all the different kind of dogs, both the Great Dane and Yorkshire terrier descend from wolves. OK, the breeders provided environmental pressure so you could argue that it is unnatural selection, but the mechanism is proven. Same thing goes for cattle, poultry, roses, wheat,...

Comment Re:WTF (Score 5, Funny) 125

As a Unix sysadmin, I know that all developers - full time or not - are way too full of their perceived abilities to do things correctly. ;)

The Excel manager (or the closely related Powerpoint manager) has something in common with the Only-Development Matters developer, the Without-Sysadmin-The-Universe-Would-Shutdown-Now systems guy and the Nothing-Happens-When-I-Dont Sell people. Silo silliness.

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