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Comment Re:What (Score 2) 197

Well they can, just not individual photons or individual photon events. It's exactly the same as an oscilloscope -- you also don't see the shape of an individual pulse. You under-sample, and then add the samples together assuming it was always the same pulse.

That would make an interesting /. poll, 1) I use an analog scope 2) I use a digital scope 3) Cowboy Neal is a my scope 4) Whats an oscilloscope?

3) CowboyNeal is out of scope

Comment Re:Smart (Score 1) 1880

I still build (assemble is a better word) my own desktops and servers, that way, for the same budget I get better hardware and specs that are better suited to my needs: more memory than the 4GB that seems to be the agreed upon limit these years, no Windows tax, slightly faster and larger HD, no extra unnecessary mouse/keyboard/screen/speakers. Assembly is typically half an hour, installation up to a few hours... It's still worth it.

Comment Re:xubuntu (Score 1) 685

LTS as in 10.04, so you can dist-upgrade when you have the time and most of the wrinkles are ironed out. I'll may skip another release for my desktop and laptops after reading all this stuff... servers are fine, it's mostly graphical stuff giving problems with upgrades. BTW, Xubuntu LTS has the same version of Firefox as Kubuntu LTS, Lubuntu LTS and Ubuntu LTS.

Comment Re:How about Fedora? (Score 1) 685

dpkg -L and dpkg -S

Three levels of package management if you want to know more, from close to the metal to more abstracted:

  1. dpkg
  2. apt
  3. aptitude

I suggest 'man dpkg' or 'man apt-cache' at the terminal, 'man hand in your geek card' in close proximity...

Comment Re:This is hardly a shock... (Score 1) 324

No. We never needed flash to play internet video. If you link to a video directly, it will play in your system's default video player.

This kind of wisdom has sadly gone the way of the dodo. The marketing department convinced everybody we need in-lined videos because that's so much better

Comment Re:Obvious really (Score 1) 676

If you think people cannot be modeled, you are deluding yourself. Adam Smith saw it, and came up with a revolutionary theory that worked. Amazingly enough, his model assumes that all people act in their own self interest.

People do not consistently act in their self interest. In fact, most of the time they don't: smoking cigarettes and using heroin are obvious examples of serving someone else's interests. But how many people buy a cars based on rational arguments?

An illusionist uses a mental model of how people perceive their environment to make things appear different from how they are - but I doubt he would know how to make an effective prediction about sales of cars based on that model.

In a similar way an economic model that has been refined and tweaked over decades to estimate economic forces can not predict the impact of e.g. the Japanese floodings earlier this year: the model does not contain a geophysical part, it is an abstraction, a simplification of the real world. The map is not the territory. Or in other words: the model is not the system. You can use the map to find your way around, but if you don't see the bridge that is clearly shown on your map, you better start breaking.

Comment Re:Its not MBAs (Score 1) 221

Don't get me wrong - managers SHOULD know how to use models, but managers need to manage PEOPLE - not tweak formulas on spreadsheets.

Well said. I've met quite a lot of those spreadsheet managers. They often think they Excel - but they probably misunderstood that phrase. Another, very similar type of managers are the powerpoint people, if it has been presented on a screen, it must be true.

The core problem with these people is that they confuse the map and the territory, that they give tools a higher weight than the actual objectives, the real world end result. I believe it's the driving force behind bureaucracy.

Submission + - Hans Reiser Demands New Murder Trial (wired.com)

bdasd5 writes: Linux programmer Hans Reiser, who in 2008 was found guilty of murdering his estranged wife in Oakland, California, is going to federal court to demand a new trial, claiming his attorney forced him to take the stand against his will.

Wow, I didn`t know someone could forced Reiser to do anything.

Comment Re:This just makes sense (Score 1) 1345

Religion is the normative study of how things should be

I don't think so, it is about accepting on faith that there exists some things that we are not allowed to judge for ourselves but have to accept blindly or be punished for eternity.

Religion is not an independent search for anything, it is a frame of reference, a belief system handed to us on authority by parents, social groups etc.

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