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Comment Re:Why be happy? (Score 2) 348

I know that god hates me and wants to burn me forever.

You could of course stop believing God hates you. Your notion of God hating you stems from giving credence to an ancient "holy book". (Nevermind the religious fundamentalists pounding leviticus, all the while treading these laws with their feet themselves.) Truth is that that book is an odd mix of historical facts, plain old fantasy and selective editing over multiple centuries. Most of all, that book is a product of man. It didn't fall out of the sky in its final form.

God doesn't hate you. People do because of their own small minded fears/insecurities and their desire to be better than the rest in the hope to get a spot in heaven (whatever and where ever that may be). Stop hating yourself, start loving yourself and start listening. God tells you a lot, but you need to listen and you need to get used to his/her humor.

Comment Re:Why be happy? (Score 2) 348

You are unable to see the obvious selfishness in your claimed selfless actions. Suffering for future gain, be it on earth or the afterlife, is banking on future gratification and is thus selfish.

Donating money to a cause, and getting no direct benefit from it, is probably motivated by the idea of having done good, so giving begets gratification. Even people doing long term detrimental stuff are chasing short term gratification.

Fulfilling a want or desire is the human motivator. I don't think it matters when the sought gratification comes to pass. Now or in the future or even after death. The motivator is getting the gratification.

In the extreme case of flaggelants, they are seeking religious fulfillment. Even if the Deities would have said they liked the flaggelants actions, but despite doing good, flaggelants were to go to Hades, I suspect flaggelants would still do it, because they receive gratification from knowing they please the Deities.

Comment Re:Dutch dykes (Score 2) 167

Oh fuck off, you oversensitive dyke. Just because you happen to have a vagina, doesn't make you entitled to live in a politically correct dystopia. You are a bald monkey, who will live, die and rot away. Just like the rest of us.

Before you label me as a mysoginistic piece of straight, male scum, just out to denigrate you and tranform you into a sexual object, I have to tell you, you're wrong. I'm a gay, a sissy, a faggot, a fudgepacker, a queer. I'm light on my feet.
Open Source

Submission + - Open-source movements bicker over logo (

colinneagle writes: A gear logo proposed to represent and easily identify open-source hardware has caught the eyes of the The Open Source Initiative, which believes the logo infringes its trademark.

The gear logo is backed by the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA), which was formally established earlier this year to promote hardware innovation and unite the fragmented community of hackers and do-it-yourselfers. The gear mark is now being increasingly used on boards and circuits to indicate that the hardware is open-source and designs can be openly shared and modified.

OSI has now informed OSHWA, which is acting on behalf of the open-source hardware community, that the logo infringes on its trademark. The issue at stake is a keyhole at the bottom of the open-source hardware logo, which resembles a keyhole at the bottom of the OSI logo. The gear logo was created as part of the contest hosted by the group that founded OSHWA, and the mark was released by its designer under a Creative Commons license, opening it up for the community to use on hardware.

Comment Re:No.. (Score 1) 496

Sadly, the vast majority of people could replace their home computer with a tablet, which is why everyone is betting on tablets.

True, but no one has had the guts to admit the shadow side of that. That mythical majority of computing dolts now buy desktops/laptops and buy full (price) applications to go with them (office, (some) games, antivirus, etc.). Not because they need them, but because it is what you do when you get a desktop/laptop.

When these people switch to tablets, they will buy some low priced crap from an app store and that will be it. They'll use that tablet and the built in browser/e-mail client for as long as it works. No additional sales anywhere. The only way to keep that meagre treadmill going is planned obsolescence by limiting the functioning of the app stores to specific OS versions.

OS and hardware manufacturers better think where they want to go with this. A tablet only play will cost them dearly. Not everybody has the luxury of "fans" buying every "iThing" by virtue of a higher version number.

Comment Re:adults living together (Score 1) 804

having a sexually normal and healthy male and female psyche in the house is critical for raising healthy offspring.. gays cannot adequately provide that, especially for male children. today, they are assaulted with messages from culture saying not only that it's ok to be feminine, but that run right up to the edge of 'you should want this/repress your masculinity.' growing up with two gay dads would make this identity issue worse, especially if the kid is biologically straight.

You have absolutely no idea what healthy psychological development is. I hope you don't have children (let alone gay ones). Your prehistoric gender roles are so out of tune with what being human means, that your man = penis, testes, testosteron, girl = vagina, ovaries, oestrogen world view will most probably damage any kids in your care, straight or gay.

Women are not chained to the kitchen, lesbians don't hate men, gay males are not exclusively employed in fashion.

If anything, kids raised by same sex couples will most probably be more tolerant and more open minded towards different groups than you can ever hope to be.

Comment Re:National vs. Commercial Interests (Score 1) 540

They aren't dying anonymously like most people will, they're guaranteeing immortality for themselves.

What a romantic notion. No, they are guarenteeing immortality to a meaningless name on a piece of paper/digital file. Once every actual person, who witnessed the newest low in humanities atrocities (actual Space Opera?), has died, nobody knows who John Smith and Jane Sixpack, Mars Pioneers, really were. Do you know who Genghis Khan really was? Or do you know the stories, historians have been telling centuries after Genghis' death?

This new "tv show" better have good ratings, otherwise the poor saps trapped on Mars will die alone. Unwatched and not cared about. Don't expect new pods and crew to arrive if the "show" is cancelled.

Glory is craved by those not having it. My greatgrandfather used to say "A true hero is a dead hero." I'm historically immortal is a very poor solace, if the last days of your life is to be trapped in a tin can on an uninhabitable planet with only three other randomly selected attention whores to accompany your last moments.

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