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Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 274

Ah yes because someone who can memorize grammar rules and word spelling has a truly gifted intellect.

The fact that spell check can do it nearly as well as you should tell you that is probably not the case.

Eat a dick grammer Nazi. ( Like how I misspelled grammer. Does that make your skin krawl when you see speeling errors?)

Comment Re:Experience (Score 2) 155

That's operating under the false assumption that the so called licensed/insured/certified professional will always provide the best and safest service. You can check all the boxes as a cab driver and still come up woefully short compared to the "guy with a car and a smart phone"

Besides there is nothing preventing the pro-cab drivers from participating in the Uber market place. Maybe they need to spend less time whining and more time driving.

Comment Re:Make it a real deterent or stop. Penalize Mista (Score 1) 1081

The problem is deterrence only works as an immediate, concrete threat. Most of your criminal types are borderline retarded in their ability to think abstractly. (Thank You Public School system!!). If you can't think abstractly you lack the ability to play the "what if" game and apply that to your decision making process.

"What if I walk into McDonalds with a gun and rob it?"
"What if I have unprotected sex with this $10 prostitute?"
"What if we pass this bill to see what is in the bill?"

We have the death penalty in Florida, it's called "Stand Your Ground", and it works quite well because it doesn't require an abstract thought on the part of the criminal. The deterrent is not in some far away place 5-10 years after the crime was committed. The gun is right there, right now pointed in their face, a block from their dad's house.

The ones with even the smallest spark of intelligence (aka self preservation) back off. The rabid ones get put down on the spot.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 1081

but was not breaking the law at the time of his death

Repeating over and over again "I didn't do nuthin" is hardly an indicator for innocent. A reasonable and innocent person would have been upset, but at the same time cooperative. "Officer I wasn't selling XXXXX, where is your proof?" "Well let's get this over with"

He was acting like a 7 year old that had just got caught punching his sister for the 12th time, after being told repeatedly not to, and was trying to avoid the impending ass whooping he knew was coming.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 1081

That only works if they are fat, out of shape, and highly upset that they've been arrested for like the 12th time for breaking, you know....the law.

(Frankly I find New York is chock full of stupid laws, but at the same time, you get what you pay/vote for.)

Comment Re:Maybe in a different country (Score 2) 498

I've got oodles of Karma to burn. So please feel to get butt hurt over being called a Nazi, for acting like a Nazi and suppressing someone making a comment about police states.

"In the US when they police can show up and go through your home without a warrant we call that Fascism. So is having a license in order to exercise a right that is yours by simply being alive. Unlike the rest of the sheep, we for some odd reason do not like that." Awww the National Socialists moded me a troll. Sorry but calling Nazis, Nazis is not being a troll. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Comment Re:Maybe in a different country (Score 2) 498

So going for the old Wikipedia post on the "age of majority". Good choice I love Wikipedia for a quick knowledge refresher. That being said go look up age of criminality, age of consent, and age of license as the traditional and not to mention legal ages of adulthood while you are at it.

Applying the age of majority as a catch all for the definition of adulthood is a lazy and not to mention legally ignorant argument. So it would be really nice if people would step back and realize they loose the audience when the spout off about things they know nothing about.

You can go to prison as young as 10 for murder in the US.
You can declare your independence from your parents and quit school at 16 without a legal battle. You can do it even younger if you have the means to support yourself.
You can drive at 14-16 depending on which State you are in.
You can join the US military at 17.
You can have sex and get married at 16 in most of the country.
The only thing 18 gets you is the right to enter contracts, vote, and buy firearms.
The funny thing that 18 is just to buy, you can own and possess guns (this includes handguns) at a much younger age. In some states that goes all the way down below the age of 10. In more than half a 12 year old can hunt anything, with just about anything and get

Yes that means if little Timmy wants to go hunting for bear with a very large caliber rifle. He can. No problem. As long as he can pass the safety class and is strong enough to carry the rifle he is good to go.

I'd have a second think about what the "age of majority" really means, and blow your highly uniformed opinion out your ass..

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