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Submission + - Sorting Algorithm Breaks Giga-sort Barrier ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: Researchers at the University of Virginia have recently open sourced an algorithm capable of sorting at a rate of one billion (integer) keys per second using a GPU. Although GPUs are often assumed to be poorly suited for algorithms like sorting, their results are several times faster than the best known CPU-based sorting implementations.
The Internet

Submission + - Duke research experiment disrupts Internet (

alphadogg writes: An experiment run by Duke University and a European group responsible for managing Internet resources went wrong Friday, disrupting a small percentage of Internet traffic.

The damage could have been far worse however, and the incident shows just how fragile one of the Internet's core protocols really is, security experts say.

The problem started just before 9 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time Friday and lasted less than half an hour. It was kicked off when RIPE NCC (Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre) and Duke ran an experiment that involved the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) — used by routers to know where to send their traffic on the Internet. RIPE started announcing BGP routes that were configured a little differently from normal because they used an experimental data format. RIPE's data was soon passed from router to router on the Internet, and within minutes it became clear that this was causing problems.

That shouldn't have happened on systems that were properly configured to support BGP, wrote RIPE NCC's Erik Romijn in a note posted to the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) discussion list. But nonetheless for a brief period Friday morning, about 1 percent of all the Internet's traffic was affected by the snafu, as routers could not properly process the BGP routes they were being sent.

Submission + - Internet Backbone Fiber Cut ( 8

An anonymous reader writes: My name is Jonathan Swift, but I don't remember my password.

Two completely unrelated groups of name servers, seven servers in total, suddenly stopped reponding to pings at the same time.

The 8-1-1 "Call Before You Dig" number is provided for the specific purpose of preventing this from happening, and not only does not offer a way to report that it atuallly just happened but is also closed tor the day.

The 9-1-1 Emergency Reponse operator got all pissed off when I tried to tell him that half of North America would find inself unable to speak to the other half should a national emergency happen right around now. They guy thought I was delusional when I struggled desperately to get him to find me a backbone Network Operations Center, then hung up on me.

But I knew my friends as Slashdot would be happy to give me some love. Please report your physical location, ping each of the following nameservers, the report whether or not each specific one responds:

I'm near the intersection of Blossom and Snell in South San Jose California..

I cannot ping any of these. I had just brought up a site for which the second group is servers. When I reloaded the page, all five of its servers failed to respond.

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When I can hunt down that gifted emergency response professional, I'm going to give him a clue as to what emergency response really is. Don't Get Me Started. Just Don't.

Comment Re:Noise Complaints (Score 1) 459

I've come across this very topic in the course of my work (I'm an aerospace engineer) and the general consensus on the issue (at least for the Hybrid Wing Body) is that having the engines mounted above the wing like most proposed designs currently do results in a drastic reduction in engine noise in an airport setting.

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