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Comment Re:End of November (Score 1) 250

Not really. It sounds like a position that should have been filled from the beginning is just now getting filled.

The mythical man month does not directly cover the case of being under-manned until a month after release, then bringing staffing up to where it should be. And certainly if that is the entirety of your contribution, I have to assume you mean the most recognized portions of the concept.

Under-manned because they hired one more person? I haven't seen any evidence they were understaffed or under-manned. And someone I'm skeptical that a CEO guy with a BS in Political Science and no Software Engineering background is the key to turning this around.

Comment Re:It may all be for naught (Score 2) 250

And since they are treated differently than people in the other 14 states that do have exchanges, you can bet an Equal Protection lawsuit will be quick in coming.

Here is the Equal Protection Clause:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Note that the boundary of the clause is the State. Different states have different laws all the time. Massachusetts has had statewide healthcare for a long time, and Vermont passed a single-payer healthcare. Oregon has vote-by-mail. Minnesota abolished the death penalty while it remains in the majority of states. Some states have legalized marijuana, while in Pennsylvania you can only buy wine and spirits from state owned shops. Taxes are different, environmental laws are different, etc.

Statehood wouldn't mean much if states weren't allowed to have different laws.

Comment Missing human "imagination" (Score 4, Insightful) 277

The thing missing with many of the current AI techniques is they lack human "imagination" or the ability to simulate complex situations in your mind. Understanding goes beyond mere language. Statistical models and second-order logic just can't match a quick simulation. When a person thinks about "Could a crocodile run a steeplechase?" they don't put a bunch of logical statements together. They very quickly picture a crocodile and a steeplechase in a mental simulation based on prior experience. From this picture, a person can quickly visualize what that would look like (very silly). Same with "Should baseball players be allowed to glue small wings onto their caps?". You visualize this, realize how silly it sounds, and dismiss it. People can even run the simulation in their heads as to what would happen (people would laugh, they would be fragile and fall off, etc).

Comment Re:Just what we need right now... (Score 1) 582

From the point of view of most Europeans where guns are generally banned you all look crazy. We don't have guns and yet somehow aren't being robbed, raped and murdered nearly as much as you guys. At no time in our history would guns have helped us rise up against the government either.

From our point of view you should be trying to figure out how to change your society so that you don't need guns, rather than trying to advocate more of them. You are treating the symptom, not the cause.

Europeans are sure sanctimonious about their "morally superior" culture considering that two World Wars have originated there the past 100 hundred years and it was the site of the Holocaust. And if you think that is ancient history, let me point out the Bosnian War.

The large amount of gun murders is the direct result of the failed drug policy of the US and mostly involves criminal-on-criminal murders that would not be affected by stricter gun laws. As proof, many of the cities with the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence. In general, the US's total crime rate is lower than many European countries:

Comment Re: It's The American Drean (Score 3, Insightful) 1313

please, fox just lies, saying other news networks are somehow as bad is ridiculous.

Saying "I hate Fox News, they are biased" doesn't scream out "I just want honest, balanced coverage". It screams out "I am a biased left-winger". Take one obvious example, NBC/MSNBC have had a rash of "selectively editing" videos recently. There was the 911 call in the Trayvon Martin case, the bogus sandy hook "heckling", and taking a Romney speech completely out of context.

The news gathering in the US is atrocious. Anyone who is not completely biased can see Fox is right-wing, MSNBC is left-wing, and the rest are center-left (although CNN seems to push more to the MSNBC side these days). They are all a bad combination of sensationalist ratings driven garbage combined with a huge agenda that rarely has the viewers' best interests in mind. If you don't view the news with a filter that considers the source, you are being deceived."

Comment Re:Here here! Well said. (Score 1) 795

Not to mention, if they lower the caps the large tech companies will just create more offices abroad.

It's beneficial to have your work force centered in one location, but not necessary.

I'm in the US on an H1-B status, and am really getting tired of this ... whatever it is (debate?). I don't live in an apartment with four other immigrants, and never have. I own a house and have a wife (so I could actually switch out of H1-B). I spend my salary locally. I get paid well for the work I do. Yes, the salary is more than where I'm from, but the cost of living here is higher so the salary is proportionally higher (rent of a 2 bedroom apartment here is 5x what it costs where I grew up). I could easily go back to my country of origin, and buy a house there instead of here and spend my money there instead of here, while working for the same employer.

Reducing the number of H1-B's in the tech industry will have very little effect on making jobs available, and drive outsourcing higher. It will only really affect non-international companies and companies that require the more permanent presence of the worker.

Comment Two golfers (Score 5, Interesting) 700

(This is not my joke/story, just paraphrasing what I remember)

Two golfers had been meeting weekly for years - lets call them Joe and Bob. Joe started to notice one day that Bob was getting a lot better. So Joe asked Bob what he was doing, and Bob replied that he was taking some golf classes on the weekends.

Joe, not wanting to be outdone, bought a golf self-improvement book. And gave it to Bob, complimenting him on his desire to improve.

A few weeks later, Bob was back to his old self, and Joe was happily able to compete again.

Moral of the story: When Joe bought Bob the book, Bob stopped practicing and started reading. Don't substitute reading for doing.

Comment Re:Soul Crushing? (Score 2) 276

Another way of looking at it: If you work in a suburban office park, describe how it's different in any significant way from the one portrayed in Office Space.

Wait, urban business don't have cube farms? For me personally, living in a city would be like my entire life is Office Space. Work in a cube, come home to a cube of an apartment. Except that the cube of an apartment is ridiculously expensive.

Comment Re:Allegedly (Score 1) 480

I don't want to steer this discussion away from the topic, but this is exactly why no theist will ever be able to convince me about the "truths" of his religion. How am I supposed to believe that those word-of-mouth stories that are thousands of years old could be true when people believe in such ludicrous things as "the moon hoax", despite the fact that it was a much more recent event and there are tons of material evidence to support the fact that there was *no* super-competent con man who supposedly managed to trick thousands of engineers into thinking that they are not building a fake rocket and that they are not receiving fake telemetry not from the Moon? People *want* to believe in the irrational, they find something irrational everywhere they look. Human capacity for self-deception never ceases to amaze me.

Fascinating. I take the opposite lesson, that despite the all of the evidence for the moon landing there are deniers just 40 years after the event. I can imagine in 2000 years most people not believing the story of the moon landing. From their standpoint, how could a primitive technological society who just learned about spaceflight manage to get to the moon and back. And then for some reason just "stopped" going all of a sudden for 50-100+ years.

From a theological standpoint, if Jesus arrived today as in the BIble there would be just as many disbelievers 2000 years ago as there are today despite all of the video and news stories generated.

Comment Gaikai (Score 1) 142

So what does this mean for similar companies like Gaikai, that appear to have more mainstream titles and higher quality? Opportunity, or impending doom?

Comment Re:Harry Potter director? (Score 5, Insightful) 303

Jackson did a great job with bringing Middle-Earth to life in sets and costumes, but that hurdle has largely been crossed. The Hobbit needs someone who can take the sets and costumes and tell a story.

Peter Jackson managed to take the LOTR trilogy and make it a critical and popular success, winning both box office awards AND the OSCAR for BEST PICTURE. Let me repeat that--he took a trilogy of orcs, elves, dwarves, and hobbits and managed to win an academy award for best picture. That isn't just great film making--that is a freaking miracle

Comment Tools (Score 1) 342

I tend to be more of a purist, preferring to hand code things. But that doesn't mean I ignore the tools in my toolbox.

My high school computer engineering teacher always reminded us that it's easier when you have the right tool for the job. Using a Philips screwdriver to pry a paint can open isn't going to work very well.

In the same way, visual editors, text editors, debuggers, etc. are tools. What you, and your son really need to ask is given a situation, is which tool works best for the job? It's not about inferiority, it's about recognizing in what situations does it have its strengths, and other tools have their weaknesses.

You can expand this mindset to management as well, but you may not want to refer to your employees as tools. A good manager will recognize the strengths of his/her staff and use his/her employees appropriately. If an employee is under performing, it's quite possible the manager is not using that "tool" correctly (not always true, but good managers will ask this). Sounds like your son might be progressing down the entrepreneur route, so this would be a good lesson to keep in mind.

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