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Comment Re:I'm pretty sure Jesus said not to do this (Score 1) 1168

The problem is that the holy rollers won't lose money. Gays are a tiny minority. It is estimated that at most 5% of the population is gay, and only a fraction of them are "out", the rest miserably pretending to be heterosexual to fit in.

It is entirely possible that there will be *no* photographers in your small town who will photograph a gay wedding.

Comment Re:Hayden Christensen's career... (Score 1) 360

You're right about his acting ability, but the killer for the movie was direction. Portman is a much better actor, but lame script and mediocre director was what really did it in. I suspect if she was more mature at the time she could have pushed back on some of the script and direction choices.

All the hot grits in the world can't save her from that script.

Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 1) 1168

I own a business. I am a business man. I decide who my potential customers are, and who I don't accept as customers. No one can make that choice for me.

That's some good bluster, but if you e.g. post "Whites Only" signs on your doors, you'll find yourself in court in very short order. There you'll find out that your freedom to accept or reject customers is in fact circumscribed by anti-discrimination laws.

Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 1) 1168

I have a serious problem with gay marriage, as marriage is a religious ceremony, so the state should stay out of it.

Sounds like you actually have a problem with state-sponsored marriage (gay or straight), but you're only willing to apply your logic to gay marriage.

Civil union is the state sponsored joining, and should be the proper avenue for the state to allow something that religion indicates is wrong.

Which religion are you referring to? There are plenty of religions that approve of gay marriage, and there are also plenty of religions that think various straight marriages (e.g. second marriages, or inter-racial or inter-religious marriages) are wrong. It's not clear why any of that is relevant to what the state should or shouldn't do, given that (in the USA anyway), church and state are meant to be kept separate from each other.

However, it has to be understood that most of the benefits of marriage have to do with holding a family together for the benefit of the children, which a homosexual marriage may have some issues in creating.

It's actually quite easy for a homosexual marriage to have children. Gays of either gender can adopt, and gay women can get pregnant and give birth. And if you want to play the "it's all about the children" card, you then have to explain why infertile/childless straight couples should be allowed to enjoy the benefits of marriage.

Comment Re: Christian Theocracy (Score 1) 1168

Rather--I'm glad that neither the government nor anyone else can force them to take the ["Whites Only"] sign down.

Just to be clear -- the US government can and does force businesses to take any "Whites Only" signs down. Outside of "private clubs", discrimination by businesses was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Comment Re:Pilots must remain in control (Score 1) 385

Hm, maybe FOUR people in the cockpit. Plus an armed TSA agent. And an armed TSA agent agent. That'll do the trick.

I say we get rid of the cockpit entirely, and instead provide a set of virtual controls in every passenger seat's seatback touchscreen. That way the passengers can fly the plane democratically. It will only fly into a mountain if that's what a majority of the passengers want it to do.

(Now, where do I pick up my consulting fee? ;))

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