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Comment Re:Threading (Score 1) 242

OH god, you're one of "those" people...

Sure. Sometimes. The option to turn it off would be useful. Even when Gnome had spacial view in Nautilus set as the default, you could at least disable it. No one way of sorting information is best for all people in all situations. But that's cool. You're one of "those other" people.

Comment Threading (Score 3, Interesting) 242

I just wish to hell they would allow users to turn off the threaded conversations. Google has been acting like a smarty-pants little child holding their breath on this one. Finding items around by date (especially when you only know the approximate date) would be so much easier if the just put their big boy pants on and enabled this.

Comment Re:Oh god.. (Score 1) 659

I always find the discussion on the mechanics of laughter fascinating. I have come to the personal belief that laughter flourishes when we are released from the bonds of empathy. It is the delight of release. This is why villains and the devil have a tradition of being portrayed as smiling or laughing. A distaste at what one views as inappropriate laughter may have at its source a fear of the absence of empathy. These are just my feelings on the nature of laughter. I like hearing the difference of opinions. I found this essay fascinating read when I was studying dramatic criticism in grad-school. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4352/4352-h/4352-h.htm

Comment How about periodical content? (Score 1) 664

Look, I do not believe this is a freedom of speech issue. Apple's sandbox – Apple's castle. This issue actually has me wondering more about Apple's new iPad distribution agreements. Surely some of the content published through digital newspapers or magazines could be deemed equally offensive in relation to the content of the banned app. Is satire or parody of public figures allowed in this form, but not through a dedicated app? Is Apple being hypocritical here?

Submission + - Gmail Outage Affecting Even Google Employees (google.com) 5

David Lechnyr writes: "We run a hosted Google Apps system and have been receiving 502 Server Error responses for the past hour. The unusual thing about this is that our Google phone support rep (which paid accounts get) indicated that this outage is also affecting Google employees as well, making it difficult to coordinate. Minor in the grand scheme of things, perhaps, but unsettling if it affects not only the clients but the service provider as well..."

Comment Re:Only On Slashdot (Score 1) 443

Joss Whedon is a derivative hack who can't help be defile every thing he touches with some sort of adolescent fantasy involving shitty, super-powered, little girls. Then his shows get canceled and the fucker throws a tantrum a 7 year old would envy, killing off all the likable characters and pile driving what little story there was face first into the fucking ground.

You get big props for calling it like you see it. I don't entirely agree, but you got guts.

Comment Re:In other news . . . (Score 1) 289

"Of course this isn't the trading of copyrighted files - it's a simple download and doesn't behave the same way as P2P networks."

Someone HAS to upload those file my friend. That content doesn't just magically appear there by itself.

You are correct, but I believe that Pirou was trying to point out the difference between just downloading content someone else uploaded, and downloading content while actively taking part in its distribution (P2P). I believe each is a different scenario legally. Would someone better versed in this difference like to chime in?

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