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Comment Re:Cooked! (Score 1) 151

No, because animals do not control fire. But there are animals which warm/freeze/ferment/marinate/flavor/wash their food (not all done by same type animal of course). But cooking as in 'having control over 200+C heat source' - no.

Comment Re:IF.. (Score 2) 561

No, because vaccines have no relation to autism.
IF there would be a:
- vaccines contain X amount of lead
- X amount of lead causes autism
AND there would be a correlation between vaccines and autism, I would happily say 'vaccines cause autism', instead of saying 'it is just lead which causes autism, fact that vaccines contain lead is irrelevant, because injecting pure lead would also cause autism'

People from certain racial minorities have lower IQ. It is caused by social inequality, not genetics ('lead', not 'weak patogens' in false vaccine example), but let's not get PR into our statements.

Of course, EVEN if there would be genetic relation by few percent, it would not give anybody right to dismiss specific person just based on that. We are talking about averages and very small differences. But if we are allowing people to discriminate by saying 'your are from poor family, so you are probably stupid', we should allow as well discriminating by 'your skin is blue, blues are generally poor, so you are probably stupid'. If we are not allowing to discriminate based on 'probably stupid' because every human is different etc, then it doesn't matter if it is race related or socioeconomic related guess.

Comment Re:IF.. (Score 2) 561

Hmm. So;
- people of race X are more likely to come from poor background on average
- people coming from poor backgrounds have less IQ on average
is ok, but saying:
- people of race X have less IQ on average
is already contrafactual. So, in same way:
- 1/3 of cars of brand X have ignition locks of type Y, as opposed to 1/10 of other car manufacturers
- ignition locks of type Y are more prone to getting car on fire
will be ok, but saying:
- cars of brand X are more prone to get on fire
will be already wrong?

Car analogy ticked off. Let's try Nazis:
- most SS officers in WW2 were German
- most killings in death camps were done by SS officers
does not imply
- most killings in death camps during WW2 were done by Germans
because no Germans who were not SS officers have done any killing, so correlation is purely between SS and killings?

Ok, two analogies ticked. To reassume - you let your political correctness cloud your logic. A->B->C implies A->C. Fact that A doesn't cause C _directly_ doesn't mean it does not imply it. You can split any problem into substeps. I throw rock at window, it flies in the air, it breaks the window, it is air/rock fault window got broken, not mine...

Comment Re:Fresh Water vs. Ocean Water Fish (Score 1) 69

"It's estimated that freshwater fishes make up more than 6% of the world's annual animal protein supplies for humans - and the major and often only source of animal protein for low income families across Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines.

This comes from the Fine Article - where does your data come from?
Total protein consumption per capita is 78g. Total fish consumption is around 5.5g which gives around 7%. This is for both marine and inland. Then, looking at
we can get around 41:102 ration between inland:marine, which would mean around 2% of total protein comes from freshwater fish and 5% from marine.

Now it is your turn to provide some sources outside FA proving 6% for freshwater fish. Articles I have quoted above are from 5-10 years ago - maybe, in meantime, freshwater fish consumption increased by 200%...

Comment Re:Genetic programming - mutate and let fittest li (Score 1) 84

Decapitatiting mosquitoes is hardly going to affect the parasite, which is the thing getting irradiated and possibly mutated. Closed labolatry doesn't really matter, because they are then going to inject irratiated parasites as vaccine.
Key part here is probably amount of radiation - way beyond "let's damage few DNA strands" and more into "why your blood is glowing at night". It is probably strong enough that there is no way any mutation can survive it.

Comment Re:Why not 1000 km? (Score 1) 202

How difficult is it to drop a rock? Easy. Can you please drop a rock from 50km high? After all, dropping a rock is not different if it is 1m or 50km high.

They need to entangle both sides of the communication from single place and this is quite hard longer the distance. Moving it afterwards is also quite difficult, it is not a small, robust device you can carry in your pocket.

Comment Summary (Score 3, Informative) 46

Trying to put it in concise list, TFA is bit too verbose. Short version - it is a real DK1 killer, too bad DK2 is already out there...

Comparing to DK2 (prototype versus prototype, so don't jump with 'it will get fixed in final version'):

- horizontal FOV 90 deg (instead of 100)
? no data about vertical FOV
+ better perceived pixel density (because of lower FOV)
- blurry, high-persistence LED screen
- 60Hz instead of 75 Hz (but high-persistence anyway is a killer here)
- no mention of any advanced techniques like time warp
+ headband with tracking leds, which allows proper tracking even when you look behind
+ reported to be more friendly for people with prescription glasses
+ considerably better looking
+ headphones included
- with jack input INSIDE the visor !
= PS4 versus PC
? no exact data regarding tracking quality, seems to be lacking magnetometer compared to DK2, not sure if it makes a difference
+ utilizing PS Move and PS controllers fully, has some concept for VR interaction besides 'up to game designers'

If Oculus will 'borrow' idea of tracking headband and Morpheus will get low-persistence OLED display, we will have very close match here for consumer version...

Comment Re:Protests were Illegal. (Score 1) 142

Yes, they are. You can complain only if protests are forbidden routinely regardless of request for authorization - but it is not happening, absolute majority of protests is allowed.
Rules for registration make perfect sense - quite often, you have two antagonist groups protesting (pro-gay and ultra-right-wing for example) on same day in same city. Thanks to authorization, city can make sure they will remain separate and put extra police in places they might meet.

Now, in some imaginary Europe where you would need to ask for permission to protest and it would be routinely denied, it could be a problem. But it is not a case. And police is not pepper-spraying people just for fun, like in some countries where you don't need to ask for permission to protest...

Comment Re:Maybe inflation is higher (Score 2) 286

Hmm, let's look at gas prices (which are one of the basic indicators of US lifestyle and affect cost of most things)
Year 2000 - 1.4-1.6
Year 2014 - 3.80
Factor of 2.4-2.7

Beef prices
Year 2000 - 285
Year 2014 - 480
Factor of 1.68

There were just two first things I have checked out of 'americal lifestyle' pseudo-basket. Then we have cable tv prices, as described in original post with factor of around 1.6.
CPI suggests difference of 1.34 between year 2000 and 2014. Shadow stats suggest around 2.26 as you say. Probably one of only importnat things which are following CPI data over this time period are apartment rental prices and this is just because of 2008 crash.

I will agree with you that shadowstats is reporting too high inflation index - they are not trying to provide real numbers, rather to show the difference in creative accounting after 1980. But do you really think that CPI is valid measurement of what is happening? Why almost every report is complaining that XYZ is raising faster than CPI?

Comment Maybe inflation is higher (Score 1, Troll) 286

It is funny that when people observe that almost everything raise faster that inflation, they blame all these providers/producers separately, instead of question reported inflation in first place.
If you look at shadowstats, last year inflation was around 5-%... as observed on cable service prices.

So real question should be not why cable service prices are rising so sharply, but rather, why CPI cheats? Answers are probably going to be more interesting that "rising cost of equipment"

Comment Re: Motivated rejection of science (Score 1) 661

Half million year picture is not a good graph to show - in it, CO2 follows temperature changes, not predates it. It will just give fuel to deniers. You need to pick data carefully if you want to make your point. Maybe just replace labels - nobody in schools will notice and you will get your point through?

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