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Comment One Word: Offices (Score 3, Interesting) 261

Read Tom DeMarco on this -- I think the book is "Managing Programming People". In order to be productive, people need quiet and unmolested time. This means offices.

Also read "Slack" by DeMarco. In order to be happy, they need PROGRESS. And in order to get progress, they need time to solve the problems which come up which are not directly related to the deliverables. If you give them slack, you get less deliverables in the first part of any project, and way more by then end. You also have programmers not quitting.

Take a weekend and read everything DeMarco wrote.

Comment Re:Dust and Bugs (Score 1) 253

I agree with all this and think this is a fun project idea. I'd go cheap, because you'll fail, and then you fix it and repeat. So you should have something reliable backing this thing up.

That said, make a case out of furnace hepa filters and duct tape. You can just mount everything on a board to be one wall of the 6-walled box. Hang that from the ceiling with wire to reduce visits by crawlers. Spray some raid around the top where the wire (and any cables) hits the board.

Just to be certain about the humidity, put a chemical humidty-wick in there. If humitity is a problem, you'll know in a while. If it's not, no harm done. Here's an example of one:

Comment Re:Ergo! (Score 1) 452

Windows NT was VMS. They hired VMS guys to build it. Yes, it wasn't bad at core (until Microsft decided it was slow and broke the security model for drivers) but don't make out it was not based on older OS ideas.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 825

No, by this plan, it's not "In the first example, this administration says both." It's "In the first example, this administration says either, up to a total of 19%, with the foreign state having the right to collect first." The US will initially not be getting any of the money. All foreign states would be insane not to immediately raise taxes to 19%: their tax-haven clients will be paying that one way or the other and wouldn't care.

The point is not to tax the foreign money. It's to remove the ability of corporations to push their money to foreign countries to avoid taxes. If you push money to someplace with a 5% tax, you'll still owe 14% to the US. So why bother pushing the money anymore?

It doesn't repatriate the money already gone, but it stops the untaxed out-flow.

Comment Re:Propose all he wants (Score 1) 825

Hey, stop saying my president wasted seven years and is only proposing this and other things he should have proposed at least five years ago now that they have zero chance of passing!

That's my job!

Next you'll be saying that he only changed immigration policies five years too late after deporting more people that any other president in history and that his proposals are arguably less generous than George Bush's were, even though he knows his party desperately needs the support of Latinos who are not quite as stupid as some people think and who notice that this big change is kinda milque-toast.

Don't even think of saying he's basically a right-wing corporate shill who preaches a liberal world-view while enacting/enabling a right-wing agenda.

If you say he's either completely incompetant or trying to get Republicans elected, you are dangerously close to my turf, Buster!

Comment Re:Not seeing the issue here (Score 4, Insightful) 209

Bingo. You're absolutely correct.

"I've got three witnesses that put you there, DNA evidence, and some video with someone wearing jeans and a white hoodie, just like you wear, though the face isn't visable. You'll get the death penalty. If you give me a confession, we can get it down to manslaughter. First offense. You'll probably just get probation. Here's some paper."

Yeah, police being able to lie is a great idea. I'm sure it benefits somebody. Other than the owners of for-profit prisons, I'm not sure who.

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