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Comment Re:Confusion? Really? (Score 1) 207

Yeah, I went back and re-read the article on Ars, which I seem to have misremembered - it pretty much says what the slashdot summary says.

I had taken from the Ars piece that they had asked her previously to remove the adverts, but it seems I was incorrect. I read it during luck and I guess I didn't give it enough attention.

Comment Re:Confusion? Really? (Score 1) 207

I read this on Ars earlier in the day. The site has been up for eight years, and the C&D came recently, since the owner didn't want to take down the Ikea-style branding or the ads (Ikea said that it would be fine without the advertising if the owner ran the site as a non-commercial entity).

It's classic trademark/trade dress infringement, that has been either flying under the radar or simply hasn't been a concern to Ikea until recently - perhaps the ads being served alongside what could be confused for their branding changed, or maybe a new guy is in charge of legal over there now?

Who knows.

Comment Re:Isn't Samsung the largest UNIX vendor? *grin* (Score 1) 396

I think the actual question being "Is Android on Linux really Unix?" should cause very little heat since most people wouldn't care or think "No" is pretty obvious.

Tell that to the guy in a parallel thread to this one who thinks that because "any standard that doesn't include Linux is not a standard" and that because he doesn't think that the Open Group deserves to control what is and isn't Unix that he is taking the term for himself and declaring that it means whatever he wants it to mean.

Comment Re:Isn't Samsung the largest UNIX vendor? *grin* (Score 0) 396

UNIX is a registered trademark.

That's pretty much thread over right there. Again, you can complain and scrunch your eyes up and wish real hard, but you're trying to twist facts to suit your argument. Remember, this started with you saying that "any standard that doesn't include Linux is not a standard" in a laughably arrogant and stupid statement, and now you're trying to claim Unix for your own to support your silly statement.

Comment Re:Isn't Samsung the largest UNIX vendor? *grin* (Score 0) 396

Given Linux's intellectual and usage dominance I'd say that the old Open Systems approach clearly no longer works. A standard that excludes Linux is not a standard. So I'm coming down that POSIX / Open Group should not be the definition of UNIX.

Just because you wish it really hard doesn't make it so.

Like it or not, "UNIX" has a specific meaning, both in terms of branding and adhering to a defined standard. You can't just decide to claim that standard as your own even if you don't meet it.

"Any standard that excludes Linux is not a standard" is just an absurdly arrogant and silly thing to say.

Since you're totally ok with claiming that the Open Group no longer gets to define what UNIX is because you say so, I'll also take claim of what GNU means, since any standard that excludes Apple and Microsoft is not a standard. OS X and Windows will now be called GNU/OS X and GNU Windows. Seems fair to me.

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