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Comment Re:The only people who consider GG as trolls are.. (Score 1) 467

Every time I think of Gamergate, I'm reminded of that scene in PCU where the protestors break out the blank placards and start writing the latest liberal cause-of-the-moment slogans on them. Some people are just always looking for an oppressor to blame for all their problems, and some cause to give their pathetic lives some meaning. And being the drama queens they are, they feed on any criticism as further evidence that they're being oppressed.

I'm confused, are you talking about the GG or the anti-GG people? Maybe that's implicitly your point and this is just a good example of one of those first world problems.

Comment Re:pot and kettle (Score 1) 280

My understanding is their market capitalization or whatever tanked after Elop and, although a well-known brand, they were really struggling -- Elop just buried the dagger and shamelessly sold them out (figuratively and literally). Your advice is valid though, I think smaller companies have never benefit long-term from a close partnership with MS.

Comment pot and kettle (Score 4, Insightful) 280

Microsoft has in the past complained that Google Inc., which manages Android, has blocked its programs from the operating system."

Haha, cry us a river Microsoft. I'm all for an open platform but this investment is just step 1 of their embrace, extend, extinguish operating procedure. What's that quote about how smaller companies should NEVER work with MS?

Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 2) 492

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying at the beginning about a "bad" compiler because the outcome should be 7.333333333333333 as expected. If you meant, (int)22 / (int)3 then that makes more sense that you would get 7 because of truncation. Especially if for some bizarre reason the 3.0 was immediately treated as an int (because of the 22?) and you got 7 unexpectedly. Erring on the side of int->floats seems far less dangerous than float->int conversion in math operations because only an experienced programmer would even want/expect a 7.

Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 4, Insightful) 492

Wow, I hope you're not suggesting 22 div 3 vs. 22/3 is more intuitive to a novice for what it does compared to 22/3 and 22/3.0! Both sets look synonymous but if someone told you/me that the first and second of each were different I think the second set is MUCH more clear. **HINT: there's a decimal point in the second set, so it would be natural to assume the return value would have one as well -- no such luck on the first set**

Comment Re:The most useful site in a long time (Score 1) 136

Maybe some of the programmers who worked on that page could fix this mess? Yeah it's far from the greatest page in the history of the interwebs but it is more functional than this one. I'll bet its administrators are more responsive to user feedback as well.

That's because this site is just designed to feed clicks to their real bread and butter. Now keep clicking over there peon.

Comment Re:So, the problem is.. (Score 1) 302

Well, if you're billing hourly you can probably craft your own damn curly braces from scratch, and profit, but you're probably ripping off your customers by doing so, and you risk being forced out of the market by the guy with the site generator who can knock a zero off your price.

My emphasis. This is exactly what the OP is running into and he/she sounds like a buggy manufacturer in the age of automobiles. However, at least they recognize they need to finally learn some new tools after becoming too expensive for their clients if they want to stay in business. Hence the lazy Ask Slashdot question. I say "lazy" because they just need to do their homework since only they know what their needs are.

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