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Comment Yes Yes (Score -1, Flamebait) 298

we all know your climate models have consistently been wrong and we all know climatologists are always looking for ways to justify why they should continue using something that has never produced accurate results. Much like a child consistently touching a hot stove, getting burnt and looking for anything other than the stove to blame. Idiots.

Comment Re:Remember (Score 1) 136

I don't know that is actually true and have not seen any studies to support one being "more efficient" than the other. Even if paper were less efficient it is way more biodegradable than any plastic. As others have mentioned in this thread, plastic will degrade but not totally like paper. I just remember back when "tree huggers" seemed to be constantly in the news and were more than willing to support any solution so long as some owl had someplace to perch.

Comment Intelligence eclipsed by hate (Score 5, Informative) 449

Really? Those three deserve hommage by Stuckey? Stack intentionally flies his plane into a building kill several. Heemeyer has fun with a bulldozer. And worst of all in some respects, McVeigh detonates a bomb killing a hundred plus people. If those are the types you admire as worthy of a memorial then you have one warped sense of admiration. None of those even come close to fitting the description of a patriot.

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