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Comment Re:Case closed (Score 1) 127

When you have billions of dollars on the line, I don't see why anyone would be surprised that there might be people willing to do some very nasty things, up to and including murder. People will kill over a pair of sneakers, I'm pretty sure they'd kill over billions.

I assume the people who deny this fall into three groups:

1) The naive/stupid/hopelessly optimistic
2) Those too afraid to imagine a world where this is a possibility
3) Those who'd rather not awaken groups 1 and 2

Again, in this particular case I have no information to add. Only vague questions. But there probably should be questions due, if not for the general loss of human life, to the billions at stake.

Comment Re:Case closed (Score 4, Insightful) 127

0) Labs around the world are researching patentable stem-cell cures at their own expense.
1) Group finds (comparatively) trivial way to produce them and releases said on the internet, encouraging others to try.
2) [Insert unknown]
3) Research is discredited, careers ruined, and dude is dead.

Is '2' something like "research is totally false and harms science itself by its very existence so the villains must be crushed" or more like "research is close enough to scare the shit out of some heavily-invested peers"?

Whichever one it winds up being, the response to 'crappy scientific paper' is NOT typically burning at the stake, so some unknown must be at work here.

Comment Re:It's almost sane(really) (Score 1) 502

Those warrants and subpoenas have the value of toilet tissue as soon as you try to execute them off-shore.

So, Microsoft is moving off-shore, then?

Because if for some reason they decide to remain in the jurisdiction, it might reveal a flaw in the analogy. Namely, a person has less at stake in expatriating to Amsterdam than a massive corporation.

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