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Comment Gambling is better (Score 3, Interesting) 75

Somehow, Farmville and the likes, managed to be more addictive than gambling, with less excitement and absolutely no chance of getting your money back by exploiting every cognitive error or bias they can.

For example: Same thing the Lost series did with many. You watch 3 seasons and the quality of the episodes start to decay really fast. Yet, you keep watching it until it ends, cause you don't want to "lose" the "invested time".

Comment I don't think so (Score 1) 706

Because everybody will have youthful indiscretions online, so they just won't care about it. He's judging from a very 20th century POV. Yeah, everybody will know you were a dork in high school no matter what you do to try to hide it. But. So what? People change.
Take Star Wars kid for example: Sure, the guy went through a lot of pain then, but now he's doing fine and I'm sure he's got really resilient.

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