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Comment Re:ego (Score 1) 505

I'm not so sure that he was really looking to juice his ego. I'm guessing that he probably knew exactly what he was talking about, but his phrasing was very poor. It's not that they were trying to copy Apple with the redesigned UI, they probably did a lot of testing and probably interviewed a lot of computer users about what they do and don't like about the UIs of various operating systems, and probably got a lot of comments, especially from Mac users, about how the average user wants a very simplified user interface where the things they use frequently are easily accessible to the user, and the more complex things, like computer settings are somewhat hidden from the user, harder to get to and accidentally change. So while redesigning the UI, they tried to take that philosophy of a more user-centric UI, not that they were trying to copy the Mac OS interface.

Comment Re:Unauthoriazed Copy (Score 1) 865

Apple shut down the clone program because Jobs has always been quite adamant that Apple is a hardware company and as far as he was concerned, the clone program cut into their core business model.

The truth of it is that with the Macs being sold, the only really, truly special thing about them is the OS. The hardware is basic, off the shelf parts shoved into a stylish case (well, OK, that's not entirely true, but close enough for jazz.) So, what keeps people coming back for the Macs? Is it the stylish case? That's probably part of it, but a lot of it is the OS.

Comment Re:Escalation (Score 1) 206

There is already plenty of artillery that can penetrate armor. I'm guessing that since the article mentioned that the carbon nanotube sheets provide the same level of protection as kevlar, it probably does no better against a bullet with a depleted uranium core than kevlar does.

Comment Re:Water Safety? (Score 1) 60

According to the article, they drink reprocessed water (piss that has been cleaned) while in space. The test measures the levels of iodine and silver, because the US uses iodine to treat the water, and the Russians use silver. If the measured levels aren't the necessary levels to make the water safe to drink, they will adjust the water processing system.

Comment Re:15 years old (Score 1) 759

Yeah, turn on windows firewall and make sure you're not running any listening services like remote desktop. It's not like anyone would ever want to run Remote Desktop, especially not the IT department in a large company. And even if the IT department in a large company was running Remote Desktop on everyone's computers, it's not like anyone would ever write a virus capable of exploiting the hole that someone could accidentally install on their computer, behind the company firewall.

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