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Comment Re:Unlikely (Score 5, Interesting) 270

I think a wholesale rewrite is unlikely, but I would guess that they are going to eventually do something about the GNU code they use. Apple doesn't like the GPLv3's patent clauses, so they have frozen all their imported GNU utilities at the latest GPLv2 version. Some of these are now getting quite old and not maintained upstream, so Apple has to handle even routine maintenance. They managed to transition off one big one by moving from gcc to clang/LLVM, but there is still a bunch of old GNU code shipped in the base system that I don't see them keeping forever. Now whether they rewrite it in Swift seems more questionable.

Comment one possibility (Score 4, Insightful) 182

Use a webhost that lets you pre-pay for service, and prepay for a bunch of it. Register the domains through that host too, and set them to autorenewal. This won't get you indefinite service, but it can get you quite some years, if the host remains in business. Also you might want a static HTML website rather than something that might need upgrades. is an example of a host you can do that with. If you deposit, say, $500, they will keep hosting your website until you use up $500 worth of service, which for a modest static-HTML site with one domain should be many years.

Comment Re:Pretty sure this has been tried before. (Score 2) 131

Yep, when I was in elementary/middle school (late '80s / early '90s), there were Apple ][s everywhere. There was a big "computers in schools" push, grant money made it nearly free for a school to get them, so they all had them. I am not sure how effective it was at "improving productivity of the workforce" though.

Comment Re:Why would anyone start there? (Score 1) 123

And of course, if a number of large employers all suddenly congregated in Austin, of course land prices would go up, salaries go up, etc.

That's definitely happening... Austin 10 years ago was cheap, now it is merely "not as expensive", especially if you don't want a long commute from the suburbs (Austin has horrible traffic, so I don't recommend that). Central areas of the city have prices in the $400-600k range. Fancy areas, like West Austin, are pushing $1m.

Comment they've been trying to "join" for a while (Score 4, Insightful) 80

German intelligence has been interested in a closer alliance with the "Five Eyes" group of US-led intelligence agencies, which originally consisted of the main anglophone countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). When it was expanded in 2009 to "nine eyes" with the addition of Denmark, France, Netherlands, and Norway, there was supposedly some grumbling from Germany about being left out.

Comment Re:Please, BC/AD (Score 2) 105

What I don't like about BC/AD is that one is English and one is Latin. Pick one, not some ugly mixture! The mixture also means that the placement of the abbreviation is either inconsistent (traditional usage) or grammatically incorrect (getting more common). The grammatically correct placement is to put BC after the date, but AD before the date:

330 BC vs. AD 1983

You could write "1983 AD", but then you are not even being correctly traditional, at which point you might as well just give up and use the newer English abbreviations, which always go at the end.

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