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Comment Re:lol (Score 1) 182

yeah four years ago had client who was miffed I didn't know which disk he should order for his HP3000 (that's right runs MPE operating system) off the top of my head.

Then I pulled up 1,200 HP disk SKUs and said, you know they sell just a few different disks.

Comment Re:Compared to Azure (Score 1) 94


so you've never worked on serious computer systems? The mainframe and vms clusters I've used had databases working for years (over a decade in one case as new hardware joined sequentially to cluster as old retired).

failures very occasional, to say the least

even where I am now the main database is oracle on virtualized linux servers, it's been up for 3+ years

Not everything is apache server hooking to single mysql instance....

Comment Re:Black holes can exist without a singularity (Score 1) 356

If things happen *inside* a black hole to dissipate energy of collapse, I've not heard of a mechanism yet, never heard of a Hawking radiation there. Supposedly everything formed there has to go into the singularity, even any spontaneous pairs created.

Now there are theories of other quantum effects that might keep singularity from forming, but quantum gravity models have a huge problem in that they are not "normalizable", the probability distributions can't be set to something meaningful and useful to describe what measured properties of particle would be.

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