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Comment Re:Linux (Score 1) 118

If you read the blurb, or the article, this is not the same thing as ReadyBurst TM which MS touts as a new feature in Vista. ReadyBurst TM, allows you to plug in a flash drive and use it as a sort of replacement for part of the disk. ReadyBurst TM allows you to use up to 2GB of flash. This technology puts the flash right on the drive, uses a much smaller amount of flash (128-256MB is optimal), and is more about power management than speed increases. Think of it as a relatively large, non-volatile cache on the HDD. The drive can use it as a buffer until it's full then write the data in one concentrated burst. This way, the power hungry spinning drive only has to spin occasionally.
User Journal

Journal Journal: A Prediction 4

If my prior comments on wikipedia are any guide, after the post drops off the front page, a wikipedia editor with mod points will mod-bomb all my (currently 5,5,5,4) comments in the Wikipedia story.

The wikipedia administration, for whatever reason, is extraordinarily defensive and hates to see criticism remain un-suppressed. If this is reminiscent of a cult, well, if the show fits....

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot fans! Help me! 9

I've got a number of fans, and I've never asked for anything other than that you appreciate my comments here.

But now I need your help.

A spark jumped from my finger and now my Touchstream LP keyboard is dead. Like the parrot in the Python skit. Dead.

Windows plug-and-play doesn't recognize it at all.

So I need your help.

Can anyone either


Journal Journal: Laptop functionality in handheld form factor? 5

I'm playing around with the idea of getting a laptop and (geek warning) some sort of VR glasses instead of a screen.

Optimally, I'd like something with the form factor of a Sharp Zaurus, but with a hard drive and standard ports.

Basically, I want a "real computer" that I can put in my pocket. To use the VR glasses, I'd need standard USB ports and the ability to use a standard video card.

Comment Re:Tell me this... (Score 1) 2759

I think the more interesting question is why an entity possesing the ability to create an entire universe from nothing would not also implement a set of physical laws that allow life to evolve automatically? Why would said entity go in after the initial creation event and manually tinker with biological molecules to get them to develop into complex life forms? Sounds like a huge kludge to me. I prefer to believe that any supreme being that may exist is competant enough to get the laws of physics right the first time. Tinkering and hardcoding workarounds for the mistakes is not eligant.
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Dangling Conversation (apologies to Simon & Garfunkel)

"When you wanted me, I figured I had, or would have down the road, better prospects than you. Um, things didn't work out as bright and shiny as I hoped. Now I'd, you know, be willing to settle.

"Ok, actually, I really don't even think of you anymore, and your name doesn't still make me pause and wonder 'what if', if it ever really did, (it doesn't, even though the mere thought of me is still like a fresh punch in the gut for you after all these long withered years).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Can racism be "logical"? 10

Of course it can be.

Take a hypothetical variety of racism for instance: if you agree to paint yourself blue and preferentially aid others who are painted blue, people who painted themselves red and preferentially aided red-painted people would naturally prefer to not see you in an position of power or influence, as you would use that position to aid blues (and thus hinder reds who might otherwise have gotten the benefits you preferentially give to blues).

United States

Journal Journal: Republicans Jam Phone Lines on Election Day 2002 1

(I submitted this to Slashdot, but I guess the editors didn't find it interesting.)

A Republican consultant paid a "vendor" $2,500 to jam the phones of the local Democratic Party and Firefighter's union offices in several New Hampshire cities on Election Day 2002, in order to prevent voters from calling to arrange rides to the polls and other 'get out the vote' efforts.

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