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Comment Re:Good luck getting the protestors to support tha (Score 1) 744

I think you're misreading my comment. I argued that it's too late for tariffs. You seem to agree with me that tariffs are a bad idea.

I simply said, in response to the previous poster, that tariffs by China on our goods wouldn't matter because we export to them quite a bit less than they export to us. What does matter is just our own action of putting tariffs on products imported from China because Americans consumers would have no choice but to pay it.

Comment Re:Good luck getting the protestors to support tha (Score 1) 744

Why would we care? We don't export much to China anyway. On its face it would hurt them more than us.

At this point, it would hurt us too without a doubt. For most consumer products, there's no choice but to buy something made in China, regardless of tariffs. The time for tariffs would have been 20 years ago when we still had domestic consumer production.

Comment Re:Denial. (Score 2) 877

The rest is a mixture of pseudo-science and politics.

Fact is that nobody knows why the Earth is getting hotter.

No, the study of the Earth's climate is hardly a pseudo-science. It is a hard science based on observation, computational models, making hypothesis and testing them. There have been satellites collecting observations for decades, surface measurements for over a hundred years, and ice core samples going back thousands of years. We can directly observe the output of the sun on the surface as well as in space, the concentration of various gasses in the atmosphere, etc.

How in the world is that a pseudo-science?

There's politics involved because it would be expensive to try to take corrective action. The change would need to be done on a massive scale, which is going to necessarily require the involvement of governments. The ozone hole would have never been closed if not for the governments of the world agreeing to stop producing CFCs.

What amazes me is that people think we can't affect the climate when we just recently formed large holes in the ozone later, passed policies to stop it, and those policies worked and mitigated the ozone hole at the poles. Clearly, the actions of humans can have global impacts.

The next argument is that the climate is always changing. While that's true on a geologic timescale, it isn't for a human timescale. We have never seen such a sharp increase in the concentration of CO2 gas in the atmosphere, even going as far back as ice core samples allow. What non-human reason could possibly be behind such a sharp increase that has never before occurred? In addition, we have good estimates of how much CO2 is released into the atmosphere every year and this amount is sufficient to account for the increased levels of CO2.

Comment Re:First Anecdote! (Score 2) 633

That pretty much matches my experience with my Prius. The mechanic at the Toyota dealership told me that they still haven't had to replace the brake pads on any Prius (and this is at a large dealership in Boulder, CO that sees tons of Prius cars).

I also average about 45-46 mpg overall. I don't deal with too much congestion, but drive over big hills every day. The cold weather also hurts mileage.

Comment Re:Danger for which democracy? (Score 1) 900

Your math isn't correct. The question is how many 2nd cousins, 9 times removed do you have. You only calculated how many great-great-great...grandparents you have. What blows up the number is the 2nd cousin. How many great-grand children did those 4096 ancestors have? That's how many 2nd cousins 9 times removed you have. I estimated that each one had 4 children who went on to have more children on average, giving 4096*4*4*4 giving 262,000. Given how rough these numbers are, I rounded it to 300,000. Given how many people of the time had 4-10 children (not all of whom survived long enough to reproduce), I think that's a reasonable guess.

Comment Re:The Sanctity of Life (Score 1) 646

That's not worse. I saw a guy with Lou Gehrig's disease (a friend of my boss). He could only make a grunting noises and move his eyes, yet his brain worked as well as ever. He was completely trapped within his body with almost no way to communicate to the world. He was also in enormous pain all the time because of a problem that formed with his neck due to it not being properly stabilized for months.

My boss was with him once. The guy started making noises and it took a few minutes for my boss to get over to him. He didn't know what was wrong and was trying to tell by just looking at his eyes. He then looked over him and found that a large spider had crawled onto him. The guy was terrified of spiders but couldn't do anything while watching one slowly land on him then crawl around.

He needed 24 hour care and was costing his family a fortune while 'living' in this state. Rather than waiting for his lungs to stop working, he opted to have his feeding tube removed so that he could die. Nobody blamed him at all. It was terrible for his family and friends watch him living such a torturous existence and it was obviously terrible for him.

Comment Re:Ken Murray's blog (Score 1) 646

Then what's the difference when comparing to nicotine? It also forms a physical dependency and strong habits. Where would you draw the line between a 'habit' vs 'addictive'? Many smokers for years just called it a habit.

Comment Re:This is what's wrong with private healthcare. (Score 1) 646

There was an idea by a Republican congressman that was included in the original healthcare reform bill. The idea was based on what one hospital is already doing, which is to have doctors talk about end of life care with patients and their families so that their families could make informed decisions. Unfortunately, this was labeled 'death panels' and subsequently removed from the bill.

Comment Re:Ken Murray's blog (Score 4, Insightful) 646

My wife passed away from a sudden illness so I didn't have this opportunity (she died from a pulmonary embolism while alone at home and was only 24 so we weren't prepared for either one of us passing away). However, I can tell you some things I would have loved to have been able to ask her before she died:

How would she want the funeral arrangements taken care of? You don't need details, just basics like if she wants to be cremated or buried and if she would prefer a big or small ceremony, etc.
How would she want her things disposed of.
I know those questions can be painful, but somebody needs to find that information out before she dies. In my case I had no idea and had to make many difficult decisions during the worst time in my life.

And, above all, be as open as possible with your feelings. Tell her how much she is loved. Ask her about some old stories. Talk about good times and family.

Comment Re:Ken Murray's blog (Score 2) 646

The grandparent is obviously mistaken. What is correct is it takes more coffee to reach an above-normal alertness. So if his baseline is 2 cups of coffee in the morning, he would need to drink 3 cups of coffee to have more alertness than someone else who never drinks coffee. If he drinks less than 2 cups of coffee then he won't be as alert as the guy who never drinks coffee.

Comment Re:Ken Murray's blog (Score 3, Informative) 646

Then here's a better study for you: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100602211940.htm

Approximately half of the participants were non/low caffeine consumers and the other half were medium/high caffeine consumers. All were asked to rate their personal levels of anxiety, alertness and headache before and after being given either the caffeine or the placebo. They were also asked to carry out a series of computer tasks to test for their levels of memory, attentiveness and vigilance.

In that study, they used placebos so they didn't know whether they were consuming caffeine or not and had them perform objective tests. Conclusion: regular consumption of caffeine provided no net benefit.

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