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Comment Re:It still helps (Score 1) 101

And it would be trivial to keep any "clean" account(s) they have on a separate IP,

Trivial, perhaps... but over time it's easy to slip and use an IP that's more traceable to you, which is why I said to publish all of the IP's that handle has posted from.

I can see some appeal to that, but surely any sane leaker will post using a restaurant's free wifi or similar - meaning their doxing gets associated with any other innocent user who happens to have posted updates from that restaurant, with no apparent link to their own isolated accounts?

Personally, I'd probably use the free wifi at the railway station on my daily commute - indeed, I do use it most days, for innocent purposes - or if I wanted to do something that might be traced, ride an hour or so on one of the lines and use another station on the network, using a randomised MAC address on a laptop. Anyone who was identified as associated with me then is completely uninvolved. Yes, maybe you'd catch a few low-level trolls, but you'd be falsely smearing a whole lot of innocent third parties - making the identification worthless anyway.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Web Dev on the Mac 1

I've been working on a little side project. I would like to have an app where people can read updates that I send out. It seemed like a fun way to learn more about programming mobile apps and it's something I could actually use if I can get it to a decent state.

I'm keeping it simple. I decided the app would just be an rss feed reader. And that meant I need a feed. I want it to be very specific to my app so I decided the way to go would be to just create my own back end for cre

Comment Re:file transfer (Score 2) 466

The new machines lack LPT ports? WTF kind of machine did you buy without an LPT port? A laptop, sure, a desktop? You have to look hard, even today to find a machine that doesn't have a printer port.

Pretty much anything built in the last five or so years won't have serial or parallel ports. If you're lucky, you might have some headers on the motherboard that can be brought to the slot cage with connectors in brackets like what were common before ATX, but I've run across plenty of motherboards that don't even have those. Notebooks are even less likely to have them. This Dell Inspiron E1505 I'm typing on is a bit long in the tooth...main reason I'm keeping it going is its 15" 1680x1050 screen. No serial or parallel ports on it.

When I saw a sufficiently-old notebook come through my office a while back that had a serial port on it, I hung onto it for talking to our switches and routers. I forget what model of HP it is, but it's old enough that it runs on an Athlon XP. It's probably the better part of 10 years old at this point. The last emerge -uND world took a couple of days to run, but it's fast enough to run Minicom and Firefox, and to do traffic captures from the switch: serial connection to the management port to enable SPAN, Ethernet to the SPAN port for capture, and WiFi to talk to the whole thing from my office instead of the server room.

Comment Re:Fuck you Bill fucking Nye... (Score 2) 681

Hey Bill. Kindly go fuck yourself. Seriously. If you believe (and apparently you do), that only Ivy League universities can provide any education of merit, then you really are more of a mindless tool than I suspected.

QFT. Consider how well the Ivy Leaguers mismanaging the executive branch of the government are doing as further proof of the uselessness of credentialism.

Comment Re:Horribly misleading summary (Score -1) 681

He's using climate change as an example to demonstrate his point. (A near-unanimous consensus among scientists maintain that climate change is happening and is a serious problem; over 50% of the US population disagrees. This demonstrates that the US population is largely science-illiterate or science-hostile.)

O RLY? (The Google link should bypass their paywall.) In addition to "consensus" being inherently unscientific (was Copernicus "science-illiterate" when he proposed his heliocentric theory of the solar system when the consensus view was in favor of a geocentric theory?), there is much to suggest that the "97%" number is as overcooked as most of the recent temperature records have been.

Comment Re:nice trick (Score 1) 5

I don't know who Jay Cost is, but Ace of Ace of Spades HQ is reliably conservative. I had to look and see who posted that, if it was Gabriel Malor I'd agree with you more as Malor's more of a squishy moderate.

Comment Re:Give a hoot (Score 1) 5

As a Catholic, I believe we should be good stewards of God's creation.

However -- CO2 isn't pollution -- it's plant food. And we shouldn't have to pay Al Gore (how convenient!) "Carbon Credits" to exhale.

I've written about this kind of thing before though -- there are two things that the government has to control in order to truly own you -- your health, and the environment. Every choice you make affects one or both of those things. Control that, and government controls you.

Patrick Henry had the right idea. "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Comment Re:So I go to the page with a phone number (Score 1) 6

No - that page acknowledges reality. And I have used the number there for people outside the US. It's a long wait to talk to some person who sounds miserable. I have no idea if the wait is any different than calling from inside the US.

I've been calling them a lot because at the same time they are keeping me from efiling for my 2014 taxes, I still haven't received my 2013 return. So I keep calling them and waiting for a an hour or so to let them tell me it's "In process" and that they don't have any other details. They tell me there are no problems on my end so I'm not sure what is up.

I may end up mailing in my stuff - it's just that it is slow and expensive.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Catch 22 6

I got a thing from the IRS and they want me to fill out an on-line form.

To successfully complete the form I have to enter my filing address and it has to match my return. The form fields don't allow me to correctly enter the address.

Comment Re:Moo (Score 1) 2

Not this stuff. It's mostly just lectures. But it all took place in a sensitive country and wont be publicized. But the tool is pretty decent for what it is.

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