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Telescopes Useless by 2050? 163

Wellerite writes "Gerry Gilmore, from Cambridge University, has told the BBC that ground-based telescopes will be worthless by 2050. This is due to more and more cloud cover caused by climate change and increasing numbers of aircraft vapour trails. It seems to be time to start preparing to launch more orbit-based telescopes."

Digital Signals Spark Static From AM Radio 176

Carl Bialik writes "Digital radio is touted as broadcast radio's golden ticket, but the transition to digital broadcasts is creating static and interference for many smaller AM stations that are still analog-only, the Wall Street Journal reports: 'The AM stations most affected are those whose neighboring stations -- nearby on the dial -- add a digital signal.' The WSJ adds, 'For some small AM operators, it adds insult to injury that the only company licensing the digital broadcast technology is one backed by the small stations' deep-pocketed competitors.' Critics question why the FCC only approved the technology from that big radio-backed company, Ibiquity."

Golden Age of Arcade Games 58

jayintune writes "2old2play has an article about the resurgence of arcade games in the living room. The article shows that while large companies like MS and Nintendo can make a nice dollar, small developers can now make money off of low budget arcade games with far less monetary risk. Just like fashion, what was once cool is now cool again." That, combined with the Xbox Live arcade rollouts, do seem to be bringing back the oldies but goldies.

Origami Not A Gaming Machine 69

Gamespot reports that despite earlier reports, Microsoft's Origami isn't intended as a portable Xbox. From the article: "As shown in the leaked video, Origami machines will feature a touch-sensitive screen a la Microsoft's tablet PC line, will run Windows XP, and will be priced lower than most full-size laptops, running from around $500 to $1,000. If that price tag seems too low for a mobile PC with a high-end graphics chip--which would be necessary to run the Halo footage shown in the leaked concept video--that's because it is. The AP article says flat-out that the Origami is 'not a portable version of Microsoft's Xbox videogame console,' nor is it 'a music player designed to take on Apple Computer Inc.'s mega-popular iPod.'"

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