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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 17 declined, 2 accepted (19 total, 10.53% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - Facebook Opens to the Public

vaderhelmet writes: "According to Forbes, the popular social networking sites for students is about to become the popular social networking site for everyone. That's right folks, they're opening their doors for public registration! After an interesting week over the whole "Feeds" issue, however, Facebook has postponed going public until next week. Seems to be a good time to jump ship."
The Internet

Submission + - Facebook, you're out!

vaderhelmet writes: "Amidst the upheavel on Facebook's new features, a group of us students has banded together in an effort to replace Facebook with a community-driven site. One that hears the needs and wants of the users. In the spirit of open-source this site will implement features most wanted by the community and push to ensure the highest quality by preventing a corporate attitude from setting in. Take a look at the effort over at"

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