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Comment Re:Holy journalistic spin, Batman! (Score 3, Informative) 271

Ok, I read the testimony.

You are right, Kamen specifically didn't ask for more visas. Instead, he asked that the visa fees, at least in part, be directed to his program, FIRST. TL;DR: Give me money.

Partovi barely mentions visas, but also wants part of the fees to go to a new STEM education fund and wants changes to E-Rate (internet/telecomm to school libraries). He's got his fingers in a lot of pies, so skeptically I'm assuming one of them would benefit from unspecified E-Rate "changes".

Jona, a prof at Northwestern, basically wants more scientists to be involved in teaching STEM. No visa mention.

Cornwall, an ME, writes like an ME and doesn't mention visas; instead focuses on education.

So, yes, there's a lot of spin in the headline. Because headline.

Comment Re:Quick! Give this guy a billion dollars! (Score 1) 169

My definition of Tech Bubble: Your business doesn't have to generate revenue in order to grab an investment for a few billion.

This guy can sell himself as the next generation of Twitter: "We use BitCoin technologies to enable Scalable Microblogging" :)

I think you are confusing "tech bubble" with technobabble.

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