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Comment Re:WTF? (Score 3, Insightful) 265

It hasn't been breached... they just got a hold of their email mailing list! This is the crappiest bad summary of all crappy bad summaries.

Yes, and their ability to manage a mailing list is in no way related to their ability to manage more sensitive information, in their system that isn't even live yet.

Comment Re:Of course! (Score 1) 571

What the article fails to mention is that the new reactor has to be 800 feet tall or buried 400 feet in the ground. Or 400 feet tall and 200 feet buried. It's pretty complicated figuring out the math here.

A related article from the comments below says that the final size will be small enough to fit on the back of a truck (roughly cargo container sized), or 10 times smaller than ITER being built in France.

I found it interesting that 55 pounds of deuterium is needed as fuel, but only a few grams of tritium ('bred' from lithium) is needed, since part of the nuclear reaction makes tritium to feed back into the reaction.

I was then reminded of many Star Trek episodes where power couldn't be generated because of damage to the "dilithium crystals". Maybe those should have been called "trilithium crystals" instead?

Other article, cited below

Comment Here's the bill: public notice key (Score 5, Informative) 115

Link to the text of the bill, since TFA is limited.

Probably the sticking point was:

A public agency that uses an unmanned aircraft system, or contracts for the use of an unmanned aircraft system, pursuant to this title shall first provide reasonable notice to the public. Reasonable notice shall, at a minimum, consist of a one-time announcement regarding the agency’s intent to deploy unmanned aircraft system technology and a description of the technology’s capabilities.

There's also some reasonable limitations on data captured by drones (can't be kept long) and a requirement to log who requests drone missions. If only there was some federal body that could come up with some reasonable standard for all states...

Comment Re:Not sure (Score 1) 118

I assume you missed the part about building 10 single-room buildings in a day for $5,000 each.

Well, the price is right, but people have been building modularly for a long time. Single room buildings don't really seem that challenging, especially since it is just a concrete box.

The Hilton Palacio Hotel in San Antonio was built in just 202 days, and that was 500 rooms, fully furnished, decorated and kitted (down to the bottle openers and coffee makers). And this was back in 1968.

Comment Re:What is "Dead" (Score 2) 283

I can't remember the last time a [major] web site or web framework was done in Perl.

Oh, I dunno, how about booking.com (about)? 'World's leading online accommodation provider' where 650K rooms a night are booked (they're owned by Priceline group, if that's a more popular brand where you live)?

A YAPC talk by one of their employees says 99% of their code is Perl. Check out their dev blog.

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