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Portables (Apple)

Submission + - Apple Removes iPhone Support from Leopard?

wealthychef writes: Apple lists all 300 of their new Leopard features at One of them used to say "Your notes folder acts like an email mailbox, so you can retrieve notes from any Mac or PC or access them from your iPhone." This was good news to iPhone users, as previously, there was no way to get notes to your iPhone from your Mac, and vice versa. It now says, only, "Your notes folder acts like an email mailbox, so you can retrieve notes from any Mac or PC." So either this feature was removed due to some problem, or the initial characterization was incorrect. Either way, it's a bummer for many of us with iPhones, desperately wanting to use them as an effective PDA but unable to due to missing features such as copy/paste, a To-Do list, and no notes synchromization.

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