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Comment Re:So Proud of Gun Ownership (Score 1) 1232

Statistically a person with a mental health problem isn't more or less likely to attack you than a person without a mental health problem. Unless said person is a schizophrenic female, then the chance is doubled.

So with the one exception up above (and I haven't heard of a schizophrenic female going on a shooting spree), how is it everyone else's business?

When the government assembles databases on people, they are making what are in essence hit lists. The census was used to round up Japanese Americans and German Americans during World War 2 for a long stay at an internment camp. Freedom worries aside with said list, it also costs money to maintain these records. This money is only magically created when the Federal Reserve Bank issues it. Otherwise it comes from the taxes we pay.

In addition, with regards to that recent shooting in Newtown, the guns didn't even belong to the assailant. They belonged to his now deceased mother. Will having a mentally ill relative bar people from having guns? Because we all have at least one or two crazy relatives.

Comment Re:Shoe on the other foot (Score 0) 254

Why call them little hitlers when you can more accurately describe them as authoritative sociopaths?

When you call them Hitler, you are defining them as something not everyone agrees on. Some people think Hitler is a hero. Some think he is the greatest mass murderer ever. But assuming Hitler is guilty of every piece of war propaganda slapped on him, you are lessening his crimes by equating them to people who don't want unmarked police car photos plastered all over the Internet.

Eventually "Hitler" will lose its impact as a shaming label if it is applied to everything. I believe that it would be good for it to lose effectiveness but then people will just move on a new shaming label. Perhaps it'll be Bush or Obama.

Comment Re:Screw that... (Score 5, Insightful) 396

Statistically, mentally ill people aren't more or less likely to attack you than a normal person unless said mentally ill person is a schizophrenic female. In which case the chance is doubled.

The reason why we don't send mentally ill people is because we'd also have to send a supply of whatever medication they'll need to keep balanced and productive plus a psychiatrist for therapy.

But I think a sparse Mars colony would be perfect for my socialphobia. I'd only have to get used to at most twenty people.

Comment Re:the message is clear: MAKE IT !!! (Score -1, Flamebait) 632

So, how do you plan to stamp out racism? Genetic modification so everyone has William's syndrome?

I've also heard that Australia has refugee camps where they house immigrants until they can be proven to not be a danger to society. How do you feel about aboriginals using up your social services funds? It isn't like Australia is actually a shining beacon of multiculturalism.

Every year there are more black-on-white murder victims in the United States than in the entire lynching history of the KKK. Excuses for the behavior or shifting blame doesn't mean much to the rotting victims of reverse racism.

I don't want to take away the rights of other cultures in America. I just want the one major right that the other cultures have: The right of association. As in if I want to go off and built a new city, fence it off, and only let in people who pass a genetic test as white, the Federal government will keep its nose out of it like they've kept their nose out of the increasing black-on-white violence going on in our cities.

Comment Re:the message is clear: MAKE IT !!! (Score -1, Troll) 632

It is sad that liberals believe that guns are cursed objects that take control of its helpless human "victim" and then forces them to go around and kill others. They refuse to admit that the problem is with those who hold the guns and commit murder.

But please, don't blame it on American culture. There is no such thing as American culture. There is white culture, hispanic culture, black culture, and various asian cultures all jammed into one nation. The only "melting pot" is that these cultures are being forced into the same areas which leads to conflict.

The idea was that people would move to this nation and they would take up the majority of our way of life while we take on some of theirs. I don't think it is working anymore.

The only real melting pot is cuisine, and most of it is presented in a way that will lead people to an early grave (huge portions, more than your recommended daily sodium intake in one meal, trans fat, high fructose corn syrup jammed into almost everything in amounts far beyond what the corn industry claims is safe in moderation).

The only real solution is to bring back restrictive covenants so each race can have their own towns. Now some might say "Oh but that's racist!", but we already have hispanic majority areas, black majority areas, asian majority areas, and rich white/jewish areas. But those of us whites that aren't rich aren't allowed to use the violence that the other races use to enforce their reign over an area, so we have to constantly perform white flight. The areas where my parents grew up are overrun. If I ever manage to have kids, I won't be able to safely show them the towns where I went for Easter, the Fourth of July fireworks, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years as a child.

I don't want my hypothetical kids to go through that. I want them to have a strong connection to an area and community which multiculturalism prevents.

I know some people will be pissed at me for daring to express my opinion, but when I have a tooth ache I don't go around saying I have a pain on my head. I'm specific about where the pain is. So to say America has a problem with Urban Youth is disingenuous. It has a problem with mainly black and hispanic males aged 10 through 30. Typically by 30 they either grow out of it or get shot by one of their own.

Whatever the cause, be it genetics, their culture, evil whitey oppression, or Sun spots, I don't want to live by it. I want to live in a white-only community where I don't have to earn $250,000 a year to afford the mortgage. I want to be able to build myself an wallet-friendly earthbag house with cash and not be attached to a usury contract with some bank for 15 to 30 years.

Whites only build these super expensive neighborhoods because there isn't another legal option to keep out "diversity here to culturally enrich us." We worship property values and do all we can to protect them because it is a matter of life and death to us. Eventually real estate agents plant some diversity into a neighborhood and the real estate agents get to profit again by selling the whites new houses in a new neighborhood and buying their old houses cheap which they then either sell or rent out as government subsidized housing. But this hurts the whites who can't afford to move on.

So please, let us white people create white-only communities. Send us "racist bigots" off to frigid lands with poor soil quality. We'll survive and thrive well if we don't have to constantly flee. We'll definitely have less gun violence.

Comment How about some basic guidelines? (Score 5, Insightful) 94

Rule 1 of critical national infrastructure: Don't put it on the damned internet.
Rule 2: See rule 1.
Rule 3: Are you sure you saw rule 1? Quadruple check anyway.
Rule 4: Manufacture everything pertaining to the critical national infrastructure in your own country (microchips, resistors, diodes, final assembly, etc)
Rule 5: Keep it simple.

Now for big business:
Rule 1: Don't let anyone leave your office with a notebook or any form of portable media containing sensitive customer information unless it is encrypted and heading to your off-site tape storage facility.
Rule 2: Don't let anyone hook their own computers and gadgets up to your network.
Rule 3: If it needs to be on the internet, have a nice firewall between it and the internet.
Rule 4: Have your web browsers running in sandboxes.

There, now we don't need feel good, ineffective legislation.

Comment Re:Should be done in upstate new york, too (Score 0) 301

How fast and how far do you drive? 20MPH over the speed limit in a lot of cases will save you more time than 90 seconds per trip.

From the government's perspective, the downside of computer controlled cars is that they will no longer be able to pad the budgets with fines for speeding tickets, moving violations of all sorts. There will be less work for judges, lawyers, etc as people won't be arrested for drunk driving. Those automatic charity donations included in speeding tickets will dry up.

Once every car drives itself, we can have them drive 20-40 miles above our current speed limits. People fear that the government might be able to override the car and have it drive them straight to a police station or FEMA camp. Cars with OnStar already have a remote engine kill ability. I would rather get our government under control than give up every beneficial technological advancement because of the potential for abuse. Especially one that will screw over many small town governments which exist merely because of the speeding fines from speed traps on highways and routes that go through them.

Comment Re:Universal service. (Score 0) 601

If you are 65 or older, you can get government subsidized housing in most cities since the elderly are a powerful voting group and politicians dare not threaten baby boomers or they'll be voted out for the next politician that is willing to cater to their will. You'll be paying $300 a month for what would cost a younger person $1000 to $2500 a month.

More info here.

Comment Re: Maybe (Score 1, Insightful) 840

Evolution doesn't function that way. It doesn't eventually make a gene work, it is just the selection of those who can either survive the longest or breed the fastest.

As a person with some nasty genetic disorders, I've been holding off having kids. If I could go to a specialist with a hypothetical wife and get some kids without said nasty genetic disorders I would do so immediately.

Comment Re:Real reason (Score 0) 523

Nice job ignoring the whole "demilitarized" part of the angle. These poor bastards are currently being occupied by Israeli soldiers and will still be even after a two-state solution as some random freedom fighter/terrorist (depends on your point of view) will shoot off an ineffective rocket at Israel while Israel retaliates with missiles funded by US taxpayers and militarized bulldozers purchased from US companies. There are even laws on the books forbidding companies from withholding their wares from Israel when they decide that having their bulldozers push down people's houses isn't exactly good for public relations.

Fortunately if you read some of my previous posts which got me labelled as an anti-semite (act of being someone who criticizes behavior of Jewish people and/or the state of Israel), there is a solution acceptable to Palestinians without a drop of Jewish blood hitting the ground. Build floating cities in the ocean. Has an area for some reason become too anti-semitic? Just draw up the anchors and send those floating cities to the next friendly port.

One of the pro-Israel videos I watched mentioned that the pre-1967 borders aren't defensible, and to that I say with advances in military technology, is anything short of Israel consuming all of the arab/muslim lands for a thousand miles in each direction enough to ensure the safety of Israel? What about when some muslim country manages to get into outer space and builds some sort of asteroid coil gun satellite?

I think it would be more prudent for Israel to stop screwing these people over. When you screw people over, you dehumanize yourself in their eyes. They become less likely to feel empathy for your plight.

When you screw over your allies with layers of usury and usurp their political parties, people begin to ask:
"Why should we go to war with Iran for the benefit of the World's Fourth Largest Military that our tax dollars pay for?"
"Why should our tax dollars go towards paying for a military occupation where one side offers an insulting two state solution where the occupied sign away their right to be able to defend themselves?"
"Why should my paycheck shrink even more to help those who attacked the USS Liberty in order to pull us into the Six Day War?"

I don't want to see jews wiped off this planet. I just want you to stop making people want to wipe you off the planet. Calling me and those like me anti-semites does nothing to stop the resentment that you are building up in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world. I don't want to see my fellow Americans die for the sake of Israel's trouble making.

Those who want the jews out of their hair outnumber you. Your allies are growing sick of you. Holocaust guilt media is losing its effectiveness. It annoys me how you use that on us, those who have relatives who went to Europe and Asia to stop the Axis powers. It as if you lack the ability to show appreciation for those who have allowed there to be 13.2 million jews on this Earth instead of Hitler's supposed zero jews on this Earth.

I'd give a more personalized story about it but apparently there is an anti-semite hunter out there trying to hunt me down and out me in real life.

Comment Re:Real reason (Score 0) 523

Would you accept a two state solution requiring demilitarization right next to the world's 4th most powerful military? That's why the Palestinians walk away from these offers.

After the Japanese lost in World War 2, they were limited to only have enough military force for defense, with an American military base right on Okinawa. The Palestinians won't even be allowed that level of military force.

It really sucks how such attempts to frame Palestinians as unreasonable fall apart when someone mentions the whole context instead of just a small snippet of the whole context.

Comment Re:Real reason (Score 0) 523

There are quite a few bomb shelters in Europe. People in the US would have them too if there was a hostile nation close enough to us to attack.

But don't fear, Israel doesn't need bomb shelters because of their rather effective airport security. They need it because of where they decided to build their nation. They need it because some people don't like military occupations of their territory. They need it because Mossad is out and about assassinating nuclear scientists and generally causing trouble in the region.

Last time I read, Israeli airport security is comprised of having body language experts looking for anything out of place, people calling to check out a passenger's sponsor (friend, family, business, hotel) to ensure that everything is legit, and then occasionally an interview with the passengers.

Often people say that this can't be scaled up to America but damn it we're America, land of the Call Center. We can easily do it and probably for a cheaper price tag than a new batch of more-likely-to-give-you-cancer-than-stop-a-terrorist scanners.

Comment Re:Not necessarily (Score 0) 397

Oh wow, trying to silence dissent? Says a lot about your character. Free speech for all except those with opinions I disagree with. Anyway I just want people to be able to live without usury. I can't help it if that mere expression is antisemitic.

Oh well, I doubt you'll be able to find where I live in Arizona anyway.

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