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Comment Re:When Robots Replace Workers? (Score 1) 628

Human effort is the only thing that requires compensation.

Careful there. Raw materials cost in proportion to their rarity and difficulty in digging them up. Service providers (Banks, ISPs, Telecoms) routinely charge inflated BS fees, which, if charged rationally, would amount to billionths of a cent.Government licensing fees, fines and taxes also have little relationship to reality outside of what the market will bear. In commerce, the relationship between real value and dollar cost is a matter of power politics (CEO vs worker wages).

Comment Stories readers can relate to (Score 1) 368

On the one hand, an SF writer wants to challenge the reader's beliefs, but if you take things too far, the characters become unrecognizable. How do you write dialog, for example, between beings with digital RF implants instead of speech? And let's face it, with advanced technologies, the human body itself will likely become obsolete in a century, tops. Stories like this are not only a huge challenge to write, readers won't know what to make of them. People read for escapism, and to have their perspectives stretched, but they're also looking for morality tales where good triumphs and order's restored. They want characters they can relate to, even to a small degree.

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