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Comment Re:Legacy (Score 1) 411

He masterfully played a character who willfully disdained violence and used his massive intellect for the good of sentient beings everywhere.

But who could totally kick ass if he needed to...

Comment Selling Chicago one chunk at a time... (Score 5, Funny) 93

Over the past 10-15 years we've seen the politicians sell the Chicago Skyway, the parking meters, and the red light/speeding cameras to private interests. The money is gone and the city is still stuck with deficits in the hundreds of millions. Maybe the mayor and councilmen should get those jackets with ad patches like NASCAR.

Comment No need to invade (Score 1) 576

A civilization advanced enough to get here from another star would have better control of matter than we do. Coming here would be pointless; all we have to offer is just more carbon, oxygen and iron -- who cares? Cheaper to harvest atoms and energy more local to them and organize them beneficially.

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