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User Journal

Journal Journal: I have fans! 1

Can you imagine that?

I was browsing around, and I saw a little blue dot. I clicked and found out someone actually takes the time to read other people's journals. Impressive I say.

About the M$ licenses, I got XP for 5 bucks through my school, Office XP for 10, and Visual Studio .net for free for going to an hour demo of it by M$. So, 15 bucks and I'm a little bitch -- works out pretty well as far as I'm concerned.

It's finals, I'm tired, and I need sleep.

User Journal

Journal Journal: M$'s little bitch... 1

Yes, I admit: I am Microsoft's little bitch. I wish I could say that I successfully kept Mandrake but I didn't. I actually have a couple gripes/reasons why I didn't keep it.

I have a Athlon T-bird 1.2 w/ 512 DDRAM, and a GeForce4 Ti 4400. Now, I should be able to run some pretty bitchin games right? Wrong. Under linux, I can't even run TuxRacer over 10 fps!!! Now this just pisses me off. I've tried everything that's been suggested for nVidia cards with no luck. So, no bitchin games under Linux (unlike XP which lets me tear up GTAIII still).

Our router in my apartment is upstairs and I'm downstairs. So I have to do wireless. Now, that wouldn't be so bad, except Linux doesn't see my frickin wireless card as a viable internet connection! So, I can't connect to the internet with Linux. And yes, I've tried everything, and it still doesn't work.

Oh, and I learned C#. How's that you Linux freaks? A Microsoft language to screw up anything good about C++ and Java...yup, I'm their bitch.

Oh, and I just bought a Toshiba e740 and it runs Microsoft stuff. Yes, I even use Outlook for my two POP3 accounts as well as my Hotmail account

And while I'm laying it all out, I did download that single by Justin Timberlake off of Kazaa. I am listening to it right now. I have the little bliss background on my XP Pro desktop that defines my state: even forced ignorance is bliss. And yes, I do have a crush on Britney Spears, she is a hottie. And yes, I do date a girl who says "Omigosh, I was, like, totally pissed off that the Gap didn't have my size 0 pants I'd specifically ordered!" and yes she's really cute. Do you think I'd get something like that from screwing around with Linux all day every day? Nope, I do all my shit in Windows and have time to go out at night.

You think I'm kidding don't you? That I'll end this with some witty comment how I woke up from my nightmare? Nope, I really am that little bitch that yall are pissed off at.

And yes, I did just say yall, I'm from Texas...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ok, a little HOWTO: 12

HOWTO get modded up. Ok, I haven't been worried about getting modded in the past, but I've kind of started wondering how smart I am compared to the rest of slashdot. Well, it turns out, it doesn't matter. You could be Einstein, but if you don't post early, chances are you won't get modded. so that's point one:

Post Early! When you're given mod points, you don't have time to go through every (1) post, unless there are only like 20 posts. So try to make sure it's about 20 or less. But don't be the absolute first, people discount what you have to say because they believe that you are simply trying to get first post.

Skim the article, and say something that takes as little work to infer as possible. It makes you seem like you know the article in and out.

Never go for the cheapshots like incorporating goatse.cx into the discussion -- chances are that someone who actually knows what it is, much less is smart, will mod you the f down.

An easy way is to post the article "in case it gets slashdotted" this is especially true when dealing with the nytimes.com which requires registration.

Make qualifiers and open ended questions -- An example is, "IANAL,...doesn't that mean that X is true?" See? You've just allowed people to think you're not a lawyer but someone who is familiar with the law. Second, you're letting them respond and perhaps getting them modded up. which brings me to my next point...

Do everything you can to get the guy underneath you modded up. This will then allow you to be read and, thus, be modded up. Use the aforementioned techniques to illicit responses that are actually good.

Use good grammar and vocabulary. It's really handy to pretend you spell everything "proper" So spell it "socialise" or discuss the "folly" of humanity. This will make you seem smarter, and you'll actually get smarter from that.

So there you have it folks, that's my guide to Karma whoring. It's based off of real sociological situations in which percentages are in your favour. Aha! Did you notice? I just sounded really smart by mentioning "sociological situations" and spelled it "favour". You see? It's not that hard and it really works!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Frist Post!

Yeah! First post! Wait... Ok, so I get to make some comments that probably only I will ever read, except if I make some witty comment and people are intrigued with my adept writing skills. But a little about me:

I'm a college student. I go to Baylor University and yes I know our football squad sucks, but wait till basketball season...

I was born in Cochabamba, Bolivia, lived there for 4 years, then moved to England, lived in a suburb of London called Horsley's Green for another 4 years, and then to the Philippines, where I spent the rest of my pre-college life.
I'm supposedly from California, I claim Huntington Beach my hometown, but I go to school in Waco, TX (and yes that's where that Koresh guy did his thing) and my parents live in Dallas, but they own land in Illinois, where my mom's from, and in California, where my Dad's from. So, I'm kind of a wierd mix.

But this is technology...
When I was a freshman in high school, I was in California, and the school didn't have a systems administrator, and I said I knew a lot about computers and I was given the title of Student Systems Administrator. Yeah, I wasn't ready for that, but it was a good learning experience. I ran a 32 PC lab and two 16 Mac labs. I basically learned Mac then and there, and I was already comfortable with PCs. Basically, I just ran WinNT 4.0 on all the boxens and got a lot of help from other schools sysadmins. I started to learn about network security, stability -- all the fun stuff -- but on the front lines. Anyways, as I was doing all this I kept hearing about this Linux thing and how it was supposed to be perfect. Now, mind you, this was back in 1997, and my brother was in college (Com Sci) and he showed me my first Linux, and he came home for a weekend and we tore Win95 off of my machine (166 mhz :) ) and put on Red Hat 4 or something. We had to do all the compiling ourselves, and it was a mess. I had no idea what was going on, but my brother gave me one of his linux books and said learn.

So, now I'm a Performance Improvement Technology major/International Business major/Japanese minor. I think I'd make a good teacher, an even better sociologist, and a horrible programmer. I can't stand sitting in front of my computer just typing in code -- there needs to be interaction.
And now I have 4 boxes, one's WinXP Pro and SuSe 8, another is Red Hat, another is Mandrake/BeOS, and the other is a mac. Yes, I love all my children, they're all lined up in a row, and I have this really expensive KVM for all four. But that's just fun and games. Oh, and yes, that really is BeOS in there, I love that beast. I fire it up every once in a while just to remember the glory days when I told everyone who would listen that this would bring down Windows and Mac in one blow. But it didn't...too bad, b/c it was good. Now it's time for a little japanese :)
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well nevermind, i guess slashdot isn't multilingual...time for a visit to slashcode...

so, hows my hiragana? and i see some kanzi in there...
anyways, now i'm just rambling and only noon and too many empty beer bottles sit here...

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