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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 14 declined, 2 accepted (16 total, 12.50% accepted)


Submission + - Resolutions for 2007

JoeCommodore writes: "It's that time of year where many of us review our last year and look at ourselves in the mirror, checkbook balance, and/or social schedule (EPs, stats, and skills, for those who relate to RPGs) and make resolutions to improve ourselves.

One of my resolutions is to stop my increasing diversionary tactics when working on my many projects at home. You know, instead of working on some problem problem I turn to the internet (Slashdot), games, snacks, etc. Either I need to get better at controlling my diversion habits or turn them them into something more healthier (any ideas?)

So what have YOU thought of doing for yourself in 2007?"

Submission + - Shopping for Building Access Security

JoeCommodore writes: "Ok at work we are planning a new facility, which will combine a lot of departments into one bigger building. We think it may be time to forgo analog key access and go with a card/whatever access security system for the doorlocks, etc. I could see the benefits (we don't have to collect keys and re-do locks on staff turnover, selective room access, access logs, etc.)

Beyond this we are pretty clueless on the ins and outs of such systems, so I am asking those of you who have had to shop, install, administer, or even just regularly use such systems, what are your thoughts/reccomendations/opinions? This is pre-building so we can do just about anything within reason."

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MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.
