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Comment Re:oddly everyone's gaming PC still works (Score 1) 738

Some games are Games for Windows branded which means they use Live for multiplayer, and some like GTA IV play side by side with Xbox 360 players.

I've occasionally played some GTA multiplayer the last few weeks on my 360, but I'll occasionally run into PC users who use a mods that give them god mode and fires rockets out of their rifle. It's not fun obviously for the other players.

I've reported these people through the Live complaint system, I don't know if anything will come about it though.

Comment Re:Champions did it too (Score 1) 253

I'm kinda stalled at 29 because of the group instances, but I don't know people. I don't even know where to go for lfg grouping (ala IF). The built in lfg tool seems to be ignored, to the point that when I tried it, trying to send a message to the people in the list showed noone was online. Maybe they were on an alt, I don't know. You would think the interface would send the message to the currently online character.

Sometimes the LFG tool bugs and shows people that are online that really aren't. Also if you are trying to group for a dungeon lower than the highest content your wasting your time. You might be able to but it's sporadic. You might as well keep leveling outside the dungeons as it's much faster.

Next patch is bringing cross-server instance (I'm assuming just the battlegroup like for battlegrounds) and cross-server friends list (could be across all WoW realms, I would think), so that might help this issue.

Comment Re:Poor Summary (Score 3, Interesting) 104

WoW and other gamers are quite easy to make hacking tools to too, but players reporting cheaters to gamemasters and the fact one account costs whole new game limits it goodly.

WoW also has Warden to detect cheating programs and bots. I don't know how effective it is, but unlike some other anti-cheat programs, it shuts off when WoW does, and it doesn't stay on the system if you were to uninstall WoW.

It's also been reported that Blizzard is suspending accounts that are played on machines that they detect have spyware on for 24 hours. It's started happening when they began collecting "Non-identifiable system information" again. They don't won't suspend the account though if you have an authenticator attached to your account.

Comment Re:What's next and how will it continue? (Score 1) 820

Some potential spoilers so don't read further if you don't want to know.

Yes, it will be entertaining, but not enough to carry the franchise forward long term. It will kind of look like an Enterprise redux - Enterprise was good at the start, but then the temporal war thing got to be too much.

Lousy writers and having Berman and Braga producing is what killed Enterprise. The series got way better toward the end, but the audience was already lost. A lot of retconning took place in Enterprise, which damaged the franchise more perceived damaging that this movie created.

Remember the movie takes place in an alternate timeline so the events that we know have taken place throughout TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY will not have occurred as Kirk and crew took command way too soon. The timeline that we know from the series is still in tact, otherwise future Spock would have no memory of any of the events that he experienced.

Some people are pretty pissed though about the design of the Enterprise in this movie because it doesn't look like the TOS Enterprise. The fact is, because of the technology we have now, having a ship controlled by knobs, switches, and buttons won't make you believe it's the future.

Comment I'm pretty sure Blizzard is smart about this (Score 1) 111

Since they went so hard after Glider in the US. I'm pretty sure they realize that going into a joint venture with a Chinese company leaves them open to be totally screwed if they decide to leave them. It's happened many times with other companies. The Chinese don't recognize US intellectual property, and government officals are easily bribed to look the other way.

Comment Re:Don't pick on Time Warner! (Score 2) 210

I have Verizon FIOS now and I'm relatively happy, other than their pact with satan (i.e. MPAA / RIAA) and the three strikes policy.

Verizon was one of the few ISP who stood up with the RIAA, and I don't believe they have a three strike policy. I might be wrong about that though, but a quick google search turns up nothing.

Comment Re:How about DRM? (Score 1) 243

Except I'm pretty sure the PC game publishers wouldn't let them open the boxes.

Then, get those plastic cases that you need to unlock at the counter. (Yes you could still steal it, but it would be a bit more noticeable)

or lock them all up behind a glass case. (It would require employees to actually do something while working, but sacrifices need to be made somewhere)

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