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Comment Re:"auditing" courses (Score 1) 47

>> do you not have to go back and it take the class over again for credit?

Yes, you do, but the typical pattern seemed to be to stick with an audited course for six weeks or so (the "trial period"), decide you want to take it for real next semester, and then buckle down on your real courses for the rest of the semester.

Comment "auditing" courses (Score 2) 47

>> schools be willing to deal with higher MOOC failure rates, and allow large numbers of students to try — and possibly drop or fail — AP CS without economic or academic consequences?

This used to be called "auditing" a course. It's pretty rare to do today, but when college was affordable it used to be a way to try out a course and an instructor before you committed academic consequences.

Comment Re:four (4) questions three (3) answers (Score 1) 64

Ah...the "respectively." However, I think that's just part of the last answer, so I'll update this to:

But what, exactly, does this mean? no
Does it mean that we're seeing the "edge" of the Universe? no
Does it mean that there's nothing to see, farther back beyond it? yes, respectively
Does it mean that, as time goes on, we're going to be able to see farther back in time and space? (no response)

Personally, I like his "what, exactly, does this mean" answer: it would have avoided a lot of religious wars. :)

Comment How the executive wipes away democratic power? (Score 4, Insightful) 121

I thought the political message of Star Wars was clear: a powerful executive gradually demonizes, marginalizes, ignores and then disbands a representative body, while using force to intimidate and even kill anyone who resists or speaks against the central government.

Now where could we find a parallel....hmmm...

Comment Re:So, we're going to get Toyota clones? (Score 3, Informative) 287

>> IBM wasn't undone by the platform, they were undone by the CLONES running the platform.

IBM wasn't "undone" - period. Instead, the termination of its consumer-facing foray allowed it to tighten its grip on the short and curlies of the far more profitable corporate world, and even gave it a "PC 2.0" phase where it sold premium laptops (ThinkPads) to corporate buyers before selling that business too.

Comment four (4) questions three (3) answers (Score 1, Flamebait) 64

>> The answers are no, no, and yes, respectively.

If I'm reading this right, you just said:
But what, exactly, does this mean? no
Does it mean that we're seeing the "edge" of the Universe? no
Does it mean that there's nothing to see, farther back beyond it? yes
Does it mean that, as time goes on, we're going to be able to see farther back in time and space? (no response)

Comment Forget the Universal Format crap (Score 5, Informative) 200

1) Forget the Universal Format approach - your users will kill you for messing up their formatting, and you'll never get complete feature parity
2) Store the docs in their original format
3) Get Apache Solr to search your content
4) You'll be spending a lot of time on #3, so leave time to tinker

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
