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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 32 declined, 3 accepted (35 total, 8.57% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - The Long Tail isn't longer than it was before (newscientist.com)

fruey writes: "Apparently the Long Tail theory does not hold up to statistical analysis of internet buying.

The tail is indeed getting longer, but isn't growing fat with choice. Instead it is getting both flatter and thinner, filled with ever more products that sell few or no copies.

You are still likely to download and to buy what your peers are into, because of the Harry Potter effect."


Submission + - Bobby Kennedy Not Killed by lone Shooter (guardian.co.uk)

fruey writes: "Bobby Kennedy was shot on the 5th June, 1968 allegedly by a lone gunman called Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian refugee.

New evidence from audio recorded at the scene suggests two different acoustic profiles for the gunshots, more shots fired than the rounds in a full Iver Johnson Cadet 55 revolver that Sirhan carried, and other forensic evidence which just doesn't add up. JFK is not the only Kennedy to have died in less than convincing "official" circumstances."

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