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Comment Re:28.4.2010 (Score 2, Informative) 375

You’re aware that nothing actually gets lost when formatting, unless you overwrite it? There is no such action as “deleting” with computers. There’s only “forgetting where it was” and “overwriting”.
It’s say when people don’t even know such basic things about computers, and are allowed to use them.
That’s how we get such mentally ill bullshit like “IP” and “DRM” in the first place.

I restored “formatted” file systems countless times when I was young and still experimenting enough to wreck my system once a month.

Comment Re:Pillars (Score 1, Flamebait) 414

I’m simply stunned. Stunned by how seemingly grown-up people, who also seem to understand basic physics and computers, can parrot the distorted reality of a mafia-like group of criminal organizations, and talk about it, as if it would actually make sense. Oh, and actually protecting that bullshit trough denial. By means of moderating comments that state factual reality as “Troll”.

Maybe you all already believe the shit, because you heard it often enough.

But I call that not exactly mentally healthy. And when you want, go ahead, mail me, and ask me where I live. You can meet me face-to-face. And I’ll not only tell you in your stupid face that you are mentally ill, but also prove it scientifically, in a way that any professional psychotherapist will sign off on my statement.

It’s like being in the dark ages all over again, and being “modded Troll” for stating that the earth revolves around the sun and that earth is a sphere. But hey, what’s the number of “people” in the US believing that the sun revolves around the earth again? 60%? 80%?

Comment Re:I like it (Score 0, Troll) 432

Hey you fucking pieces of shit troll moderators! I’ve had enough with you! You fuckin idiots always mod stuff as Troll, just because you fucking retards disagree! Disagreement is not trolling! Being wrong is not trolling! Having a spine and hence making bold statements IS. NOT. TROLLING! Get it in your thick heads, idiots!! Shit, you ruin the whole fucking Slashdot for all of us!

Comment Re:I like it (Score 3, Insightful) 432

No. You don’t. That’s the very point of this.
They unbundled it. But they did not lower the prices. So in essence it just is a sneaky way to make it more expensive.
Which in my eyes is fraud, and should result in expelling everyone involved from the country until the end of his life, making it punishable by death to ever enter the country or try to directly or indirectly start or take over a business in the country.

Why do so many people never get, that you can just go “MY COUNTRY, MY RULES!”.

Comment Re:Oxymoron inside (Score 1) 186

No, the game should be called “DOOMSDAY OF TERROR 2010 — Monster-Ass Monster Nuke Attack (With tits!)” for boys, and “My Secret Princesses-Only Pony Stable Garden Online.” for girls.

And if you think that can’t be made into a game to promote healthy living and self-help, then that’s because you’re not a professional game designer. Believe me, it’s not only doable, but not even hard to do.

Comment Re:Simpsons... (Score 1) 186

The thing is: There is absolutely no point for Bonestorm not being the game that is more healthy, mentally and in terms of fitness.
It’s all a matter of design.

Also, what’s wrong with fighting? It’s fun! We’re made for it since the dawn of time. And when we do in in games, there is less need to do it in real life. It’s a win-win.
The whole concept of “being manly and fighting is bad” smells of the matriarchal sexism that is so fashionable nowadays.

Comment Re:Very troubling (Score 1) 406

Uuum, there is a problem here. As MASER actually stands for “MATTER Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” nowadays.
And that is what i meant.

Wikipedia is wrong on this, as it is so often, by the way.

I know, because I read the articles about the first “matter lasers” being created. And they were called that way.

I know back then when they invented lasers with microwaves, they were a bit backwards. There really is no point in calling two things that are the same with two different names. They are both based on electromagnetic waves.

Comment Re:Just feed them less (Score 1) 186

Its results would indicate that simply feeding children less will make them less fat regardless of activity level.

Oh how mind-boggingly dumb and primitive. As if we were in the 19th century!

Eating less will not work at all in practical reality. It only works in a theoretical reality that is completely ignorant of all indirect effects and psychology. It’s why all diets are doomed to fail, and why when you want to lose weight permanently, a diet is even worse than eating normally.

See, when you eat less, there are three things happening:
1. You still are hungry as hell! Even more so than with an empty stomach, since that bit of food activated your digestive system, and now it expects the usual amount, or it will bring the pain!
2. Your body switches to an emergency mode, where in the first two weeks it only uses up all the energy depots in your heart, liver, etc. But those are required to stay healthy. Which means they have to be filled up anyway, and you will be at a very high risk of catching the next disease coming your way.
3. Then your body, who previously was very wasteful with processing what he got, becomes more efficient, and learns to get more energy out of the food. Which means if you eat as much as previously ever again, you will first become fat quicker. Hence the yo-yo effect.

Also, all the nutritionists and doctors seem to be completely ignorant of the psychology. But usually, being overweight is nearly completely a psychological problem. Ask any fat person on how to eat right. They all are experts, and often do know more than professional nutritionists. But does that mean they actually eat right? No!
Why not? Well, again, ask them. Their answer will be something, that is obviously psychological. Like they don’t have the power to not eat. It feels bad. They become depressive. Etc, etc, etc.
It’s an addiction too. And hence it’s very hard to free yourself from it.

We found out about the length of carbohydrates in what, the 20s? And about the reason for dietary fibers in the 60s!
The whole carbohydrate metabolism is well understood since a looong time ago.

What you really need to do, to lose weight, is:
1. Eat the same quantities as before!
2. But, eat stuff that
      a. takes longest to process (the longer the chains of the carbohydrates, the longer it takes, the better it is), and
      b. has the lowest energy density (e.g. vegetables and indigesible fibers).
That way, you won’t be hungry, while your body gets less energy. Which means it it not nearly as likely that it will trigger emergency mode. Its sensors still tell it everything is normal.
3. Eat less carbohydrates and more proteins. The body prefers carbohydrates before fat. And fat before proteins. So he prefers to simply burn your own fat, before wanting to do the harder work to cut up and process the proteins.
4. Sports are actually a great way to assist this. For two reasons:
      a. They raise your base energy requirements. Your body will use up more energy, just to sit there. Because it expects that there could be sports at any time, and it must be ready. (Also psychology. So do sports irregularly, to prevent your body from detecting a pattern and only raising the energy usage then.) And because your muscles need more energy to be sustained.
      b. Your immune system does not have a pump, like the heart is for the blood. Its pump is your movement. When you move, the channels get pressed together. And because they have valves, the fluid can only move forward. so you support your immune system too.

Oh, and have fun becoming even fatter than before, or counting calories ’til the end of your life! While keeping your all-around unnatural and unhealthy lifestyle. (There is no life-form on the planet which is more enduring at walking and running. We literally are made for walking. We are extremely dependent on it. We’re absolutely not made for sitting around. And we’re absolutely not made for those huge (relative) quantities of chemically pure preparations of sugar and salt, with no vital substances to balance them out, and no use for them.) You may stay thin, but you still won’t live very long or happy that way.
I would prefer for you to live long and happy. Wouldn’t you?

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