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Comment Re:DMARC (Score 1) 57

That is your opinion. And you can do what you want with your mailing list server.

And any domain owner can configure DMARC if (s)he wants to. Which leaves the recipient mailserver operator free to NOT accept the message from your mailinglist server. Your opinion is not internet-law (even if it is written in RFC).

And that is why DMARC is a bad standard that hopefully the net as a whole rejects. They purposely avoided the RFC process. RFCs may not be 'internet law' but if everyone decides to start going their own way, we're going to end up back in the olden days of IM with everyone stuck in balkanized little e-mail fiefdoms unable to contact other fiefdoms. Would sir like to sign up for Google's Internet, Microsoft's, Yahoo's? Pick one, and hope your friends pick the same.

Comment Re:DMARC (Score 2) 57

With the way DMARC is being implemented, I don't think there is a way for a listserve to be 'DMARC compliant'.

Instead I've had to tell those with Yahoo and Hotmail accounts to go away and not to come back until they get an account with a non DMARC nutter service.

Comment Re:Grabs popcorn (Score 5, Insightful) 518

Of course, this is ignoring the INCREASE in accidents this will cause by people looking forward, staring at a screen rather than backwards while backing up, missing little details like traffic to the left and right, etc. I'd be much happier if they mandated a minimum visibility spec out the back than cameras, we're now mandating distracted backing up... blech.

(Side note, I won't be riding a motorcycle on the street ever again, too many idiots not paying attention at the wheel now, this isn't going to help.)

Comment Re:Hash (Score 3, Informative) 195

Exactly. Windows has a means of doing this built in from at least XP, but no app provided to automate it's management. You can setup the system so it will only execute binaries with approved hashes. Back around 2002/2003 we were playing with a program in house that would build a baseline of approved hashes on a clean system, then push that list out to our workstations. To get an app approved we would then fire up the clean box, install, update, push, etc. We never got it past the budget phase though, but it accomplishes exactly what OP is asking about. For point of sales terminals, etc that shouldn't be a moving target I'd say heck yes they should be in whitelist only mode.

Comment Re:Amazing Apple engineering (Score 1) 234

It'll be interesting to see where the market moves. The companies producing boxed workstations aren't shipping them in the form factors they are because their users hate them. I think the new SATA Express is going to be the storage interconnect going forward, which retains the current 3.5" drive form factor and connector setup as well as backwards compatibility with SATA making for an easy transition and retaining support for legacy large (4TB+) spinning rust volumes.

Comment Re:Amazing Apple engineering (Score 2) 234

Only if by 'uncompromised' you mean:
- Limited video card options
- No internal drive bays
- No internal PCI Express slots

It's a slick rig, but it only covers one niche of the workstation market. Apple got the design to where it is by opting to eliminate choice from many of the design variables, a compromise. Other workstation vendors choose to compromise in the other direction by having systems that may require more than one fan but also allow for user choice in what powers the system.

I should point out my 4 fan workstation is nice and quiet despite all the potential spinny bits. Like the Apples of old the primary cooling fan is a low RPM large diameter unit that is silent when working. The second fan is in the power supply and thermally controlled. Again, silent under the max stress my payload is able to put it under. The last two fans are sandwiched between a radiator and again are thermally controlled and so far have only spun up into the audible range once while I was running a torture test but were still quieter than my xBox 360 at idle. My system sits at ear level to my right so it's not getting masked by being under a desk, etc. In comparison to the new Apple workstation it's far larger physically as the primary tradeoff for the customizability I have.

Comment Re:OpenBSD (Score 2, Interesting) 472

Even that's no good if the problem is flaws in the spec rather than how it's implemented by OSs. If the NSA did things correctly they didn't have to muddle with actual Linux/BSD/etc src, they got flaws into the crypto definition itself that reduces the work needed to crack it. The better an OS follows the spec... the easier for the NSA to punch through.

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