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Comment Gaming OS (Score 2) 510

Looks like Gabe is doing to PCs & set-top boxes what Google did with the phone. A customized Linux distro is a good start, but still much info missing.. does it integrate some gaming engine (maybe Source?) How much API support for hardware and software that aids in writing games? Is it even a gaming OS or is it just some content provider wrapper around Linux?

Comment Re: Time For Woz's (Score 1) 207

Wouldn't Woz's phone also include an open case design, some empty chip sockets and an expansion bus? You know, in case someone wanted to experiment. :)

Don't forget that you occasionally have to give it a smack to get it working again (a-la Apple ][)

Comment Re:Isn't the Android platform hobbyist-enough? (Score 1) 207

It's not just Java. The Android system is primarily C/C++ compiled services which run as Linux processes. All the apps are Java running under the DALVIK engine. If you are really serious about hacking Android then you are digging into the guts, creating new services that can be available to Java apps via Binder.

BTW, Here is a good book on the subject (Embedded Android): http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021094.do

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