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Comment Re:Who keeps posting this garbage? (Score 1) 613

This is a great comment, and the fact that you've been moderated Overrated really highlights just how fucked up Slashdot is with this stuff. The prevailing view, as evidenced by all the +5 Insightful comments trumpeting it, is that sex discrimination against women in STEM, just doesn't exist and it's all some "SJW" (sic) conspiracy.

Comment Re:Yeah good luck with that... (Score 3, Insightful) 587

The thing is, people rarely identify themselves as SJWs. As a rule, it's a term used to define others as a way to shut down debate. You see this on ./ all the time - someone takes offence at some group of other that's trying to change the status quo, so they label them a SJW, implying negative connotations, and effectively shutting down debate. It's a shitty tactic.

Comment Re:What gender gap? (Score 1) 224

This is a great post - thanks. Sadly, as evidenced by the Overrated and Troll mods you've got, and most of the replies, you could have equally validly said:

...there really is a lot of overt misogyny, as five minutes on Slashdot can prove not merely beyond doubt, but also beyond hope.

Comment I'm cycle touring in Africa (Score 1) 167

I'm currently cycle touring in central Africa and while this sounds like a potentially useful addition to my water supply solution (Katadyn water filter), it would not be a replacement for it. The main reason is that at 0.5 litres an hour (max capacity) it just wouldn't produce enough water for me. Currently, in ~30C temperatures with 80%+ humidity, riding 80km+ a day, I'm getting though upwards of 6 litres each day. It's thirsty work!

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
