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Submission + - Microsoft aims to double PC base

squizzar writes: From the BBC: 'Microsoft software will sell for just $3 (£1.50) in some parts of the world in an attempt to double the number of global PC users.'

I'd like to know why the rest of us have to pay so much, seeing as fta: "This is not a philanthropic effort, this is a business"
Operating Systems

Submission + - Review of Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

Michael writes: " If you have been following the Ubuntu releases, you probably know that Ubuntu's previous release "Edgy Eft" was somewhat lackluster when compared to the their prior "Dapper" release. Improvements were so slight that it was often difficult to differentiate between the two releases. Well with Feisty Fawn you will notice improvements from the Ubuntu installer all the way to how restricted drivers are now installed via a simple gui app and the easy manner in which proprietary codecs are installed. Visually the default look of Ubuntu and its KDE counterpart, Kubuntu, hasn't changed from "Edgy" but the modifications made under the hood sure has simplified Feisty Fawn."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Why should you despise geeks?

Rockgod writes: "Here goes the rambling of a suit...
From the article:

If you observe him closely, you will find that a geek approaches non-computer avocations in a fanatical way and always with the certainty (in keeping with an outsized opinion of himself) that he can master any subject with a dilettante's effort. In fact that seems to be the whole point of the rare excursion into non-computerized activity. Once his shallow sense of mastery is satisfied he ceases to progress in the avocation because really hard work bores him.

This is the geek as you might find him on Slashdot and in other forums arguing about Firefox or Linux or whatever his latest petty obsession is, and as I find him walking past my office day-in and day-out acting like a child. I tell you these people make feminists seem charming.

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
