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Comment Re: Well (SpaceShipThree (Score 1) 594

SpaceShipTwo was a stepping stone to SpaceShipThree which actually added some practical level to the business model of Virgin Galactic. SpaceShipTwo was built entirely to get the initial capital rolling and then further utilize the profits to build a market for suborbital flight like for the Kangaroo Run or From New York to Tokyo.

Imagine a day where the US President is able to take (NASA One?) from DC to Moscow within two hours to put out some political fires. Virgin Galactic is working towards that plan. So while I don't much care for a business model that is some tourist trap to get a few wealthy people to spend 14 minutes floating, I do enjoy the idea of making Space flight potentially affordable.

Who knows, perhaps one day, we could make a trip to the moon as routine as a grocery run. We will have to spend time time and sacrifice a bit to get there. I am still sorry for the loss of the individual who passed away, but I only feel he would feel his contribution to society would best be not wasted by continuing to build on his sacrifice.

Comment Re:how many small businesses has Obama killed? (Score 4, Insightful) 739

"In theory that works great, in practice it does not work at all."

Republican policies in a nutshell.

The first statement holds true for a lot of political ideologies. Welfare sounds like a great system to end hunger, and we assume that no one would want to live on government assistance. Some people are perfectly happy giving the minimum though.

Taxes and exemptions sound ideal too except you have people who are going to take every exemption to end up not paying a dime.

Comment Re: Why at a place of learning? (Score 1) 1007

As long as you are showing evidence that refutes the decisions of the IPCC, I welcome that into consideration. I am sure they will too. However, Venus serves as a pretty good model as to what happens when you trap a lot of carbon in the atmosphere. This is where Global Warming concerns came from. Mars serves as a model of what happens when you don't have enough carbon in your atmosphere.

When you can develop better scientific models which reflect what's going on in the world, then the entire scientific community will listen, but you can't just dump bullshit out there without some evidence to backup your claims.

Comment Re:Why at a place of learning? (Score 1) 1007

Religions often ask you not to question the creator or authorities. Science is built on the idea of curiosity, Science can only work if you question authorities.

As a scientific mind, I welcome you to question everything I understand and rewrite the world as I know it. As a religious fundamentalist, I scold you for attempting such a thing.

This is why religion and science are not often compatible.

Comment Re:Why at a place of learning? (Score 3, Insightful) 1007

By telling future generations that the planet is 6000 years old when the universe is 14 billion light years across, you stunt the growth of individuals. This is like telling kids today that Columbus discovered America and proved that the Earth is round. No, he screwed up and though it was in the East Indies.

Then we wonder while our kids are so screwed up compared to the rest of the world. They have to relearn everything and straighten up the moronic things everyone taught them earlier.

As far as testable, we already have evidence that creationists are morons. Done and Done. Now we just need to prevent them from trying to spread their ignorance.

Comment Re:If you tax the rich, they'll leave (Score 3, Insightful) 255

Think of it like this:

If we took that money and spent it on education alone, considering the average cost of what it takes to put a student through school in a year ($11,153), that would allow for 6276 students. That's per year for 15 years.

In less than two years, India would have been able to pay for another Satellite to orbit Mars.

Think of the amount of road work that could have been done in that time?

I know this is from a Tax and Spend Democrat, but right now, I know there are a lot of students that could use that money, as improving their living conditions would improve their school performance.

Comment Re:This is far from silly (Score 1, Insightful) 720

I am going to give some examples and while they are not 100% percent verifiable, let' just roll with this and see what you think.

1. Presently my girlfriend is 30 years old and lives with her parents and has a child. She is making more than minimum wage, but can't afford to move out. Drives a hatchback that is more than ten years old. She has an iPhone, but she purchased it because it was free with a contract. This is a story that I can find several times over with various people I know that are making more than minimum wage.
2. If I remember correctly, SNAP doesn't allow for fast food. This might not apply, but in a great many cases, fast food joints are unable to participate in these programs.
3. Most of the people I know have jobs and fall under this category called the, "Working Poor." They work a full time job, but require government assistance because they are still below the poverty level. Please backup your claims though, because now I am curious where you are getting your facts from.

The lower income families spend more money because that's what they do. They are the majority of your consumers. Give them money to get by and we can actually start to cut aid to them. If we don't have to spend as many tax dollars for welfare programs, then we can start to lower taxes. You have a choice. Either take care of the poor by having them work for their income, or provide their income from taxes.

Australia currently has the highest minimum wage, but their unemployment rate is two tenths of a percent higher than ours. Up until very recently they maintained a lower unemployment rate than ours.

Thanks Obama?

Comment Re:This is silly (Score 0) 720

Fox was screaming it was an ObamaPhone and since Obama is also referred to as Jesus, or Hitler, I have trouble telling the difference between the two; then clearly the iPhone being once referred to as the Jesus phone, should be available on the government website. I have not seen iPhone options yet.

*rubble* *rubble* *rubble*

Comment Re:Have they apologized for attacking gamers yet? (Score 1) 81

#gamergate is about as much of a conspiracy as mystery meat Monday. Who cares? I mean, who really cares?

So what if some game developer cheated on her boyfriend and started a relationship with a journalist. We are talking about the journalistic integrity of a game journalist.

Are we going to go after every athlete that sleeps with a female reporter? Are we going to go after every female reporter that sleeps with a foot ball or basket ball player and give them a glowing review as their contract is about to expire?

This is an outrage of "meh" proportions.

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