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Submission + - University of Notre Dame Develops Wiihabilitation (

An anonymous reader writes: The University of Notre Dame Computer Science Department, led by Dr. Aaron Striegel, is developing a Wiihabilitation program, utilizing the Wii Balance Board and other peripheral devices to enhance stroke and amputee rehabilitation. The Summer 2010 REU program at the University participated in this project, and it is still ongoing.

Comment Not sure if I trust the AI (Score 1) 128

...If this DotA gets as stats-oriented as Heroes of Newerth, for example, then I can only imagine what'll happen when someone disconnects and the AI takes over for them - and promptly feeds, or pushes solo, or wanders off to farm neuts for the rest of the game, or whatever else it can do to screw the team. This style of game takes a lot of decision-making - targets, farm, push/no push, cc, etc. I don't think an AI can really pull it off properly.

Submission + - D.C. suspends tests of online voting system

Fortran IV writes: Back in June, Washington, D.C. signed up with the The Open Source Digital Foundation to set up an internet voting system for D.C. residents overseas. The plan was to have the system operational by the November general election. Last week the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics opened the system for testing and attracted the attention of students at the University of Michigan, with comical results. The D.C. Board has postponed implementation of the system for "more robust testing."

Comment Re:flaw (Score 2, Informative) 323

There are legal processes for protecting against shenanigans like that - lawsuits intended solely to mire the defendant in paper would fall under vexatious litigation, I believe.

Turn it around - someone with a ligitimate complaint would be unable to proceed with it if the defendant stuck his fingers in his ears and went "LA LA LA I can't HEAR YOU"... Default judgments mean that you can't just run away from a suit, you have to face it and deal with it.

See also

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