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Comment Re:The Streisand effect strikes again (Score 1) 303

I am confident that we are all 'on' the watch list but with a ranking system that place some higher than others. Your ranking changes with every mouse click, every new GPS coordinate.
Be paranoid my friend.
Encrypt everything.
Subvert everything possible.
Blend in.
No tattoos.
No shirt logos.
Plain black car.

Good luck.
Allah Ackbar
rocket launcher
dirka dirka dirka
drown them in noise...

Comment Artist Rendition (Score 1) 438

    I don't so much mind a work of fiction bending science to align the story. That's what fiction does.

    I'm much more bothered by science adding fiction to their work by providing an 'Artist Rendition" of a planet that might be like Earth. NASA sees a reddish speck near a star and suddenly the article has a picture of terrain, instead of a picture of a speck. That is a crime.

These science in fiction dicks need to stop picking on the wrong people.

Thank you for listening.

Comment Re:Freenet, I2P, Tor - darknets (Score 1) 397

Another problem with most darknets is that they have to run across the oligopoly network (verizon, comcast, level3, at&t, sprint...).

The FCC insures that only a few billionaires have access to useful spectrum and wattage. Running our own networks is highly discouraged. We need a way to take over some portion of the spectrum and make our own networks. One without a meter attached to each house.
There will be issues of congestion and noise for sure but that might be better than dystopia.

Comment Actually, you do not have the freedom to exceed... (Score 3, Insightful) 732

...the speed limit (or the law) while enjoying the priveledge of being allowed to operate a vehicle. If you cannot do it safely (speed, wreckless or drunk), then you lose the priveledge. Driving is is not a freedom. Speeding is not a freedom. My Corvette will limit the RPM of the engine once I hit 141MPH, I've tried it twice a very long time ago. I was young, drunk, wreckless and speeding. Fortunately, no one was hurt. If we had provided this technology when cars where becoming mainstream no one would know the difference.
  Currently cars use several other technologies to prevent 'stupid' and everyone is ok with it.

1) The engine will shut down if oil pressure to low.
2) You can't put the car in drive unless you press the brake pedal.
3) You can't full brake the tires when trying to stop on snow, ice or gravel.

There are many more features working there way into all cars, all the time.

We can try al we want, but we can't fix stupid.

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