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Comment Re:They printed off assembler (Score 1) 211

In fact, Apple II monitor code had a nifty reverse assembler built in.

I'm sure there are a lot of us that remember "CALL -151"... :-)

I remember that. For whatever reason 3d0g would get me out of it. I was just a kid and had no idea what to do with the gibberish that the assembler would spit out at me. I just knew how to get out and back to my prompt.

Comment Re:this possibly means one of two things.. (Score 4, Funny) 160

=As a former soldier, I don't want them to cut funding for air conditioning. Operating in climates with 120 F for months at a time is pretty hard, and the computers and equipment starts failing.

If US soldiers were not deployed in places they have no business being in the
first place, the need for air conditioning would drop drastically.

You mean places like California?

Comment Re:Germany sells nuclear tech to Iran (Score 1) 280

Fraud is the only viable reason for fighting against voter ID laws. Your opposition proves the need for such laws.

Does this level of ignorance come naturally for you or do you havve to try hard to achieve it?

I can give you at least one mor viable reason for fighting against the kind of voter ID laws that are implemented now:
They very clearly prevent the poor and less educated people from voting. Voter ID laws lead to more eligible voters not being able to vote than the amount of fraudulent votes prevented.

Politicians may claim that the implement these laws to stop voter fraud, but it's obvious they to it to prevent potential votes for the other party.

ID's for the purpose of voting are free if you can't afford them, and they'll even register you to vote at the same time. So tell me again how they stop the poor from voting?

Comment Re:Proof that Obama is corrupt (Score 4, Informative) 298

And they don't pay much taxes here.

When you say "they" do you mean Samsung or Apple because Apple pays more in corporate taxes than any other American corporation.

Apple's effective tax rate: 14%


Comment Re:If I... (Score 2) 1255

You can vote for a new school board. Volunteer to help their election campaign. Or run for election yourself. You actually have MORE voice there than with a private school, where losing 1 customer is quite frankly not a big deal.

Oh, and my daughter's class has six students. Losing one of those students is a HUGE deal. How big of a deal is it to a public school if I pull my child out of an class room that I pay for no matter what, that is already overcrowded, doesn't have enough textbooks to go around and has a shortage of desks?

Comment Re:If I... (Score 2, Informative) 1255

You can vote for a new school board. Volunteer to help their election campaign. Or run for election yourself. You actually have MORE voice there than with a private school, where losing 1 customer is quite frankly not a big deal.

Well, considering that the last school board election was decided by more than one vote, my voting would have made no difference. Sure, I could run myself, but I'd be running against some academia type who has the backing of the teacher's union, which make up the bulk of the school board voters anyway, because he/she won't make the teachers accountable. (I support vouchers and would never get elected) And even if I could start a campaign to elect school board members who would make schools and teachers accountable, how many years would my child have to go to a sub-standard school while my campaign gains traction, gets the right people elected, and positive changes can be proposed, approved and implemented?

Or, I can send my daughter to the school that I choose today, knowing that she'll have an incredible advantage over all those poor minority kids with parents that can't afford to send their kids to private school.

Comment Re:If I... (Score 3, Insightful) 1255

First of all, private organizations use money unwisely all the time.

Yes, but when they do, you can take your money elsewhere. For example, if I were to find out that my daughter's private school was wasting money, I'd pull her out and send her to a different school. However, if I find out that my daughter's public school is wasting money, THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO because I have to send her there or I go to jail, CPS takes my daughter away and sends her to the school anyway.

Love the sig, by the way.

Comment Re:Potheads Suspected (Score 1) 111

Fox "News" is bad for your brain. Honest to shit.

I couldn't figure out whether Ethanol Fueled's "anonymous" reply post was troll or not until I clicked the link. Ethanol Fueled's post needs more points and visibility.



Yes, the post is obviously a troll. If you weren't sure, look at the grandma part.

Comment Re:When a secret is a criminal act, it's evidence. (Score 5, Insightful) 491

It's not a legitimate secret. It's a coverup of war crime. They are not the same thing.

Manning released over 10,000 documents. Are you sure he read them all and confirmed that every single of the 10,000 documents contained evidence of a war crime and made sure that the release would not help the enemy?

Don't get me wrong, if he read and verified every document he sent out, fine. That's not the case here.

Comment Re:Unlimited data only because they have to (Score 2) 207

'Unlimited data' would get me over to them _if_ the other problems were solved.

Of course if the other problems were solved, they would have no need to offer "unlimited" data. Sprint isn't offering that because they are nice guys. They are offering it because they are getting their asses handed to them by Verizon and AT&T and it is a way to draw in customers that would otherwise go elsewhere.

From what I've heard, Sprint realized it was costing more to monitor and bill for data than the extra money they were receiving from the fines. It was actually cheaper to NOT monitor data.

And for the record, I'm on Sprint and I have absolutely no issues whatsoever. 4G is as fast or faster than what I get at home and I get 4G coverage from home to work. I use a ton of data and could ever afford AT&T or any other phone company that monitors my data.

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